Sunday, August 29, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 35 |

The only Sunday Currently entry I've got to write this month, for some reason. Or maybe I just ended up neglecting a lot of my writing tasks, except for the fiction and journal writing ones. Those are the ones that I got to keep up on doing, and I'm grateful for that. As for my reading, it wasn't proceeding well, to be honest. But I intend to finish reading it before the month ends -- and I only have two days more to do just that.

So let's update on what happened with my life this week. At least, I'll try to.

This Sunday, I'm currently:

【journal prompt】What is a word of wisdom that changed your life?

"Words are like knives. When used incorrectly, they turn into foul weapons. You have to understand the opponent's heart and use them with discretion. No matter who it is you're dealing with."

And also this one, which is similar:

"Words are like swords. If you use them the wrong way, they turn into ugly weapons. There are cases of broken friendships that should have lasted a lifetime if not for verbal abuse. Once you sever your ties, you might not see each other again."

Both quotes were from my favorite anime "Detective Conan". Though the 1st was from an episode titled "Three Days With Hattori Heiji" and the 2nd one was from the 11th Detective Conan movie "Quarter Or Silence". And these quotes became the words of wisdom that, unconsciously at first, I ended up applying to myself. How so? I've always watched the words that were about to come out of my mind. And I'd rather not say anything if I knew it would offend or hurt someone.

Monday, August 2, 2021

【reading blog】What I Read In July 2021

Five books! Can you believe it? And it's just this month. Maybe for the others, it's not that much. But for me who had put reading on hold for quite a long time, it's important. I guess I have to blame the nonstop monsoon rain for this. And probably because of the reading challenge I participated in. That's not a bad thing, right?

In any case, I'm glad I got to read this much in one month when I can't even finish one book in a month before. Here are the books I've read this month, though forgive me for the short comments on each of them as I forgot to actually write a longer ones on paper as soon as I finished reading them.