Thursday, June 30, 2022

【personal thoughts】700th day!

Yes, that's right! I was able to journal every day for 700 days. Can you believe it? I still think that making it a goal to write for 1000 days in my journal and actually doing it was a farfetched (not to mention, crazy) idea ever. At least around the time that I decided to do it back in 2020. But now here we are. I've actually written for 700 days in a row.

So many memories were placed there, I'm not going to lie. The majority of them might be mundane, similar things for me since my life had been such a routine that I could only write small changes in them. But hey, they were memories, regardless of how I categorized them in my life. They're still my life's documentation.

Of course, there were other thoughts that I wasn't able to write due to the constant thought running in my head that someone would read them without my knowledge and they would hate me because of it. But I would eventually realize that they were my thoughts. My real thoughts at the time I was writing those entries.

At the moment, I could only write about small changes in my life. Sometimes, even decisions that might be weird at this point, but could possibly give me the biggest change at some point. Then again, I'm not sure. We'll see.

Monday, June 13, 2022

【personal thoughts】My Journaling Journey's 3rd Year!

3rd year anniversary of me getting back to journaling. Wow! What do you know? Anyway, hey, everyone! I know I haven't been able to post a "proper" blog post on this site for quite a long while. I haven't answered any journal prompts and written any Sunday Currently entries, as well. My writer life got a little busy -- at least that's what I felt.

So what do I mean by getting back into journaling? Well, here's the short story for that.

I recalled journaling when I was in high school. Though I don't do it daily as I do it today, I know I'd journal things -- short ones -- about what I felt, mostly. I could recall journaling even before 2006. But it's either I threw away the journal or I lost it for some reason. I can't recall. So the only surviving old journal that I have in my collection was the one I used from early 2006 to possibly mid-2009. And that was the last time I journaled (was there even such a word? 🤔).

Sadly, I didn't journal throughout my college life and also a few years after that, for some reason. It's probably because I got busy with college or I didn't find the need to journal. I don't know. Recalling it seemed to be a little hard for me. But I'd like to say that my life at the time was chaotic enough -- both at home and at school. Oh, right. I recalled that I also focused on my fiction writing when I was in college.

I only found out recently that I put off journaling on hold for 10 years since that last 2009 entry I wrote on my surving journal. I got back to journaling on this day 3 years ago, a few days after a bought a notebook that I thought was pretty. Though at the time I bought it, I wasn't thinking of going back to journaling. I thought I'd use it to write something else there.

Well, that's the short story of it. And I guess it's a good start to go back to blogging again after a long while. Since getting back into journaling, I already filled up 8 notebooks and I'm about to fill up my 9th journal.

I don't use A4 size journal notebooks, by the way. Big pages scare me in a way. 🤣🤣 I tend to use A5 size notebooks and I think I have a few A6 size notebooks, as well. Got to check my notebook collection again.

I could post a photo of my journal collection on IG or Twitter -- depending on my mood. Or should I place them here, as well? Anyway, we'll see.