Saturday, October 8, 2022

【personal thoughts】800th Day of Daily Journaling! (Wow! I actually did it?)

800th days? Wow! Can you believe it? Okay, even I couldn't believe it. But yes, here we are. I mean, here I am with writing a blog entry to celebrate another journaling milestone. Not sure if it's a good thing that I'm able to write an entry only when another milestone happened. Even if it's a small one.

But if I'm going to be honest, since posting an entry on my 700th day of daily journaling, things hadn't gone well for me. A lot had happened during those last 100 days that, I guess, affected my journaling enthusiasm. Even writing on my 6-year journal became a daunting task for me. I don't like that feeling at all.

Thankfully, I have my dotted notepad and my phone's notepad. Even if I couldn't write on my physical notepad on that certain day, I couldn't jot down highlights either on my small notepad or on my phone's notepad ー depending on which was readily accessible at the certain moment. I just don't want to miss writing a journal entry on that day, that's all.

Along with this, I also got back to using my bullet journal. It's not entirely for writing-related anymore ー at least task-wise. But I guess I have to use it again at some point, even though it's not entirely about fiction writing anymore. I just love the feeling of crossing out tasks that I did for the day. That feeling of accomplishment, no matter how small.

And now, I should be using this for my Preptober since I decided to participate in NaNoWriMo this year. You know, I might be able to document my progress here once I started. Possibly an entry on my weekly progress and my daily ones on Twitter. Why not? It's a good plugging.

I actually miss documenting a lot of my feelings and my emotions on my journal in which I could fill up 3 pages of entry for that day alone. Or maybe I got caught up in the rush of emotions that I don't care if I rant all the way in my entries, as long as I get to release it in a way. There were times when I couldn't even write a short entry on my journal and it truly disappoints me, even now. But you know, I knew I had to force myself. I just needed to release it in a way. And journaling is the only option I had to do that.

I'm just glad I managed to reach this far. 200 more days and I'd be reaching my goal of journaling every day for 1,000 days. I owe that inspiration from Carrie Walker. After watching her video about it ー

ー it gave me the drive to do the same. Who knows? Maybe watching it would inspire you to do the same. 😄✌️