Sunday, November 23, 2014

【poem】All Of Those Times

Thinking of you is really hard
Like playing the trick of the card
Can't easily think of a next move
Not as easy as going with the groove

All of those times, I think of you
Even if it's just an hour, I felt blue
Because I can't hear your serenading voice
But I know I don't have a choice

All of those times, I miss your smile
And I haven't seen them for quite a while
But remembering you still completes me
Even if we're apart, blocked by the sea

All of those times, I long for your touch
Giving me the courage to go through so much
I know I could wait for your return
But my heart had suffered so much burn

All of those times, I truly miss you
And I know I still love you so true
Alone, I couldn't face the world that's tough
So please come back to me soon enough

Saturday, November 22, 2014

【poem】This Time For Real

What a beautiful sight in the sky
With soaring little birds and colorful butterflies
A sight so pretty but it's not enough
To get rid of this pain that makes my heart rough

Living in pain is a terrible way
Of living in this world each coming day
Because I believe in those words that's sweet
And enough to race my heartbeat

I lived now in a world that's sad
While this pain devours my heart real bad
Because you left me here in the dark alone
The same way you found me here on my own

I dreamed of a love so true since before
Before I decided to open some new door
But in the end, I suffered so much
Because of depression that I couldn't watch

But I won't make the same mistake
That will make me in tears will shiver and shake
For I won't let pain that my heart will feel
Because I know I will find it this time for real

Friday, November 21, 2014

【poem】Somewhere In My Heart

A lonely heart lies very still
Her eyes closed upon her will
Feeling the sweet wind blows
And listening to the river's gentle flows

Somewhere in my heart, I cry
Because of fate and its terrible lie
I thought I'd already found the one
The person who shines on me like the sun

But everything I've felt was just a lie
And now I feel my heart as it slowly dies
Being torn into pieces as it continuously bleed
Watering the soil of anger with the hatred's seed

Somewhere in my heart, I long for one
The only one who will let the pain be done
The only one who will become true to me
And will never hurt my love and then flee

Hope I'll never get to do what's worse
Even letting my mouth say a dreadful curse
But I might be able to forgive him someday
I only hope that moment will soon come my way

Thursday, November 20, 2014

【poem】Lead Me To Your Heart

You lost the one you love, so now you're all alone,
bearing all the pain inside like the world was your own.
But your tears never had a chance to fall
because you never want to show it all.

Being with you eternally is what I want to achieve.
But your heart never stops crying and it continues to grieve.
The word "eternal" might not exists right now.
So maybe in another life, we'll find it somehow.

Rains kept on pouring as you walk down your road sadly.
But I'm just here by your side, even though you don't bother to look and see.
I wanted to seek for signs that might help me out
and would never give my heart a lot of lies and doubt.

I just love being by your side, supporting you all the way,
like a real loving friend that will always be here to stay.
But I wonder if I'm really just a friend to you
because right now, I couldn't think of what else to do.

Just lit up the flame to guide me to those given signs
while I walk the path that could connect our different lines.
Lines that might separate our beliefs and become apart.
But I'll continue walking down the road that will lead me to your heart.

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

【poem】In Silence Where Love Lies

In silence lies a lot of feelings and emotions
and it depends on us how to stop its manifestations.
Though it lies in deep dimensions of silence,
it's up to us how we could have it sensed.

My nights were always gloomy and cold since before
ㅡbefore I managed to meet someone who touched my heart's core.
He lit a small flame in the middle of the dark path I walk
and guided me to get out of the darkness where I couldn't talk.

I let my heart trust him for he had saved me from there.
I even want to have a feeling so eternal for us to share.
But it seems that I couldn't love him more than ever
because of an oath that he made that can't be broken forever.

So he left me to save another lonely soul in the dark,
like what he did to me before and even left a mark.
But he let my heart be kept in a blaze so it won't be sad
and the love inside of it will never run so bad.

My heart lies again in the midst of darkness and silence,
yet a blazing feeling called love never let it be tensed.
It knows that one day, its flame will scatter and grant love
like the blossoms of the cherry tree that float in the sky above.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

【poem】I Really Didn't Mean To Love You

I keep on walking the path alone before,
But I can't even see the end as I walk even more.
Rains and snows just keep on falling on the ground.
Just wet and white world is what you can see around.

I let myself walk the path all alone
and I can't even have a feeling I call my own.
Until I found another set of footprints beside mine
and the golden sun had finally began to shine.

Racing hearts and reddish faces, can't even talk nor look at you;
actions that depicted my sudden feelings that are true.
It's because you came my way as you walk along with me
and now my heart don't know if it will flee.

I want to stop my heart from beating continuously
each and every time I watch you coming near me.
You're not even the person that I want to be with forever,
but you keep on saying that you're not leaving me, ever.

Though I tried my best to stop myself from loving you,
my real self was now complete and you never made it blue.
Now I don't know what I'm going to do
for I know that I really didn't mean to love you.

Monday, November 17, 2014

【poem】At Least For Now

The day started out with the warmth from the yellow sun
that kissed the flowers on the grass one after one.
Even the green lushes of the trees swayed along
while the soft, sweet wind from the north blew for long.

As I opened my window to brighten up my room,
my eyes wandered outside to somehow ease up my gloom.
As I set my eyes on the sidewalk in front of my house,
there's the racing beats of my heart here inside me arouse.

My hand suddenly froze while placed down on the window pane
and I felt that my heart beats faster, that's why I felt the pain
because a glimpse of you pierced it harder than before
and it even managed to reach out my heart's very core.

I've never felt something like this for once in this lifetime
and as I looked at you again, I've felt the slowing down of time.
Then you suddenly looked at me, smiling so gently and sweet,
like the first time I've met you on the very same street.

For now, it's enough that your smile makes my heart race
each and every time I had a chance to look at your face.
I know your presence can make my day work out somehow.
Then I'll be able to live my life happily ㅡ at least for now.

Sunday, November 16, 2014

【poem】A World With You In It

We can only pass in this world that we live for once,
for I know all of us won't be given one more chance
to find out what out short lives wanted to look for
that we may fulfill before everything would become a closed door.

I've met you in a world that was engulfed in suffering,
yet it made us see a future like a star that's shimmering.
A future where love dwells in all the corners of our hearts
that gives color to our world like the brilliant pieces of art.

My heart wanted to say your name again and again forever
and let my feelings flow to you like a never-ending river.
For our world that's covered in pain's blizzard and snow,
let the warmth of our love melt it away and let the soft wind blow.

Living in the same world with you makes me feel glad
for it brought out the person I never thought I had.
That feeling made me feel better and loves you even more
and it never made my heart in serious pain will sore.

Our love can never promise eternal happiness between us,
yet I know those pains and hardships we'll be able to conquer and surpass.
So I would thank God that you came to my life for me to meet
and I'm glad that I have lived in a world with you in it.

Saturday, November 15, 2014

【poem】If Ever I Fall In Love

I have never loved someone in this time of mine yet
because I didn't have a chance to look at those people I've met.
I may have passed the Christmas and New Year without it,
yet my heart completely yearns for it and never in a bit.

If ever I fall in love with a person different from me,
I won't ever look at our differences that others can see.
It doesn't matter to those who truly loves you so,
like waiting leisurely at the cold, white blanket of snow.

If ever I fall in love with someone I didn't mean to love,
I can't even forsee what kind of life I'm going to have
even when I know that life has unexpected surprises and thrills
that this simple thought I had can't simply locate in hills.

If ever I fall in love with the person that secretly loves me,
I know I would be glad like the sun that smiles happily.
I hope that this person sees through my heart that beats;
a beat that only your heart can feel and hear it.

But time passes by so fast that I can't even notice,
yet I'm still walking down my path that I will never miss.
If ever a time comes that I fall in love with someone,
I only hope his feelings will never run away and be gone.

Friday, November 14, 2014

【poem】Ask My Heart

I never loved anyone in this world that's so true
like I have loved a person that I know is you.
Love is something precious that I need to take care.
When time comes, I'm able to hand it to someone for me to share.

You ask my heart if true love had ever been born here.
In my heart, I know I hold you so precious and dear
for I'm sure it will answer you only the truth inside
and won't let it be conquered and taken by my pride.

You ask my heart if I do really care about you
because you never showed it in something that I do.
But I can promise to you about one important thing,
that I will care for you no matter what life will bring.

You ask my heart if I have loved anyone this real.
But I'll answer your question with what I really feel.
Only you are the person that I've loved this much
and I'll keep on proving it even if you don't watch.

Just ask my heart if you ever feel unsure of my love
that I've saved and protected only for your heart to have.
Maybe that way, your heart will never worry this much
if you'll never have my love that only you can catch.

Thursday, November 13, 2014

【poem】Of All The Love I Found

I have found different loves when I began to learn how.
But none of them had protected my heart the way you did now.
Those loves I've felt ruined my heart piece by piece
and I've never done anything for them to completely cease.

You found my heart broken and afraid to love again
for I never want to endure this so much agony and pain.
Yet you came to my life and gave me another good reason
to surpass this pain I'm feeling like flowing with the season.

You loved and protected my heart like a precious jewel
and you never acted in front of me like a rock-hard newel.
You assured that I could trust in those words you said
and I know you don't have any intentions for my heart to be misled.

Of all the love I found, yours have become a shining light
that enlightened my path, for it have turned to dark night.
You guided my heart and led it on the path that leads to you
and it knows that you'll never tear it in two.

You showed me the love that can fix a broken heart,
for it promises a feeling that won't break it apart.
I'm happy to say, "Of all the love I found along,
yours have restored my heart that sings our love's song."

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

【poem】If Only I Could

Deep in my heart, there's a ruthless pain that devours it
and it seems that it will never stop for even a little bit.
It started on the day you left me for another;
the person that I think you've promised forever.

If only I could make you say them again, those words, to me
ㅡthe words that are far sweeter than a chocolate candy,
then I would never have yearned for them once more
while sitting on my chair, facing the front door.

If only I could have embraced you here with me again
just to be able for me to feel love and fade the pain,
then everything that's dull around me might fade away
and having the warmth of your love brighten up my day.

If only I could turn back the time for even a bit,
then I could be able to set things back and correct it.
To return again to those times that I still have you,
giving me strength and courage to fight for what I need to do.

But it seems that everything for me is already too late
because I'm always in a hurry to know what's going to be my fate.
So now I'll keep myself on wiping my tears from my eyes that cried real good
that I know will make me say the words "if only I could."

Tuesday, November 11, 2014

【poem】What If...

The sun shone brightly in the sky like it always does.
But the gray clouds filled the blue sky as it soon pass.
Just like the day you said that you love me like no other
and you even promised that we will always be together.

What if I never trusted those sweet words of yours?
Then it shouldn't have slashed my heart by force.
Maybe, if I should have listened to my early premonition,
I think I will not cry for you because of depression.

What if I never saw your dashing smiles that surely charm?
Then I wouldn't be enticed with your smirk that harms.
Perhaps if I haven't made myself a fool and so much blind,
I should have fulfilled my dreams that were chained in my mind.

What if your love have never beguiled me in what I do?
Then you never have trampled down my love for you.
Maybe, if I let myself wait for the love that's for me,
I think I would have guessed what ny future will be.

What if I  never met a two-timimg person like you?
Then I guess you won't have a chance to hurt me, too.
Perhaps, if I focused myself in reality than living in a trance,
I know I would never have suffered this pain for once.

Monday, November 10, 2014

【poem】I Need You Back

For the years that have crossed, I've lived my life in the past.
It made my world run slow that once happened to be fast.
I was bound to your memories that made me cry all night.
Your memories have kept me away from the light.

I need you back in my life, that's the only thing I need
because I can never bear the loneliness that you, living me, did.
It's hard to pretend that I have lived a happy life
when the day you left me had slashed my heart with a knife.

Please rekindle the flame of love inside of my chest
ㅡthe love that died when I chose to do what I thought was best.
But I end up being depressed and my heart was tortured
and I think time doesn't have a medicine to had it cured.

I need you here with me so that my heart will be alive again
and never suffer in agony and sorrow that gives me this pain.
I need you beside me to embrace me when the world's cold
and lay a hand that gives me strength for me to hold.

Please forgive me for the biggest mistake I've ever done
because I've only realized that after the day you were gone.
I know crosscurrents of fate and time have divided our tracks.
But I'll still wait for you, because I need you back.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

【poem】Until That Day Comes

I kept on wishing of me standing by your side,
smiling at the life with you that I want to ride.
But I guess I have to be patient and willing to wait
if it will come my way, or so it is said by fate.

For I won't let my heart fail me, especially now,
even to let my courage desert me in this way somehow.
I know that falling in love makes some people dumb.
But I won't let it happen if the day that reality comes.

I believe that this world has a lot of twists of fate
and it feels like missing a ride when you go on a date.
I won't let the cold reality and recent past makes me numb
for I will wait for the warmth of your love for me to come.

Love was the last of my plans for this future of mine.
But I never thought it would be kindled inside me to shine.
It keeps on shining whenever I see you near me,
including your smile that shows the person I'm going to be.

I know I can trust in my own heart that loves you true.
The light from the silver moon is the one that gives me a clue.
A love unquenchable by any trials is what I want to feel,
but I'll keep on wishing for it until that day comes for real.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

【poem】Here To Stay

Encountering love is the miracle that God gave to us
for it's a delightful feeling that everyone will pass.
Though some people may have neglected this emotion
because it made them suffer from pain and depression.

But leaving you completely will never enter my mind
for my love is a promise that has become a bind.
A bind that won't separate our hearts that love one another.
A bind that has become a proof for us to be together.

Be with me, that's all I'm asking you to do for me
because I'll never bear the pain if you leave me and flee.
I know I've loved you more than I love myself
and that's one feeling that I'll always keep in my heart's shelf.

I know I can promise my love will only belong to you
because I know I have never loved anyone this true.
It's a feeling that no one can take away from your heart
for it will make our love the barrier that'll never break apart.

Eternity is what I can't promise to you, my love,
but I can make sure pain and sorrow you're not going to have.
All I know is that my love will be here to stay
and it's a promise that I'm sure will never fade away.

Friday, November 7, 2014

【poem】Make It Come True

Young love I see these days is like a flickering flame.
There are lots of emotions that no one can name.
But curiosity and envy are samples of this so-called emotion
that easily ruins the heart because of this flame's manifestation.

All of my life, I've dreamed of an unquenchable love
that could surpass the turmoil that reached the sky above.
A deep burning coal is the comparison of the love I want
and will never be affected by the memories that haunt.

Oh, stars that shines above, please make it come true.
Please give me a chance and show me a clue
if this love of mine that kindles in my heart
will become a lifetime feeling that will never part.

Miracle may be one thing I'm going to need about
for this strange feeling will never be put out.
One thing I fear the most is for you to abandon my heart
because you're going to leave it tormented and torn apart.

But please, make my long time wish to come true soon
so I won't spend the night anymore, gazing at the moon.
My dream of loving and being deeply loved by you,
it's the dream I want for you to make it come true.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

【poem】Thinking Of You

It's hard to think of the special person in your heart,
especially if everything between you two are like worlds apart.
It's hard to think of you that I could see from afar;
just getting a glimpse on a sky high star.

Each minute that comes, starting from the day we've met,
I've always had a strange feeling that I call regret.
When the day ends and I haven't gazed at you,
I've felt that my day was incomplete and even blue.

When I think of you, I've neglected my world around.
Time have slowed down and I can't hear a sound.
It's been like this ever since I've laid my eyes on you,
imagining things that I think will never come true.

I only think of your smiles and your gentle laugh.
It's like you've never face the world that's tough.
These are the images that give me one of the reasons
to surpass the obstacles like a tree that's seen a thousand seasons.

But your love is something my heart could never reach out
because of our worlds that were divided by falsehood and doubts.
So even if this selfish dream of mine won't ever come true,
I'll just stay in one corner of my world, thinking of you.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

【poem】In My Dreams

As the night sky display a gallery of the constellations,
I'm always happy to look at them with much appreciation.
Each of the cluster gave an unspeakable shine
that gives me a reason to cross my obstacles' line.

But one particular event gives a new meaning to my night
and that's dreaming of a person that remained out of sight.
In my dreams, I could see you smiling at me,
even waving your hands so I could be able to see.

I've never felt your warming presence for a month or two,
and yet my heart still yearns to have a glimpse of you.
Your face that shows a smile that fade my clouds away...
Your eyes that always greet hello and goodbye you'll never say...

In my dreams, I could see all those things that please me
as far as the horizon that lies in the deep blue sea.
But I could never say the feeling within my glass-like heart
because even in dreams, I don't want you to break it apart.

Dreaming of you is what makes my day complete and happy
and it will remain in my keepsake of precious memory.
So when the light of the stars engulf the sky in the night,
I'd be happy for I'll see you again in my dreams tonight.

Tuesday, November 4, 2014

【poem】How Could I Forget You?

You've ran away after you broke my fragile heart
and you've taken a piece of me where my love is the part.
But no matter how I'd let time made me forget you,
I could still remember everything that you always do.

How could I forget your eyes that looked at me?
The one that showed me what my life's going to be?
Those eyes that made me engrave a smile in my face;
every time I look at them, they always make me feel dazed.

How could I forget your lips that gave the sweetest smile,
that you never failed to show to anyone even for a while?
The lips which gave out words that encouraged me much...
The words that made my heart fall for you to catch...

How could I forget your laughter that completed my day?
The loud yet gentle laughter that makes me want to stay
by your side where I know I'm protected and secured?
The arms that embraced me made me feel assured.

How could I forget the person that showed me love?
The person that I've always wished for me to have?
Even if time will keep me doing what I need to do,
there's no way I could ever forget a person like you.

Monday, November 3, 2014

【poem】I'm Glad To Have Met You

Living a life that's simple is what I always have,
even imagining a dream that's compared to the stars above.
Things remained to me as a dream concealed far away
that I might not be able to reach after my life goes astray.

But there are a lot of things that makes me feel glad,
though I've seen some things that made my life bad.
I should be thankful for I've met someone like you
that gives me inspiration in everything I do.

You came to my life without warning you'd come my way
and you made me face the world that I've always ran away.
You came to me and gave me courage that I need.
For days and nights that came, you watered my dream's seed.

You've made my whole life the loveliest one to live
because you've lit a feeling inside me that no one can give.
I'm always ready to confess my blooming love
when I know destiny will let this love I shall have.

I will always thank God for giving you to me
because you've shown a miracle that I never thought I'd see.
So even if this life of mine unexpectedly ends along the way,
"I'm glad to have met you" is what I'm finally going to say.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

【poem】According To My Heart

Life had never become a sweet, simple story,
for it has lots of comedy, drama, and even tragedy.
But life also offers the sweetest one to live
and that's finding love again after you forgive.

Pain made your heart bleed as it falls down
because of a love that ended like a broken crown.
But life had made you see things that were needed to be seen,
like a star-high dream that's painted in the mountain scene.

I don't want to end my life weeping around to mourn
for a love that became a lie even before it was born.
I've seen life has a lot of surprises to offer;
a lot of memories filled with so many smiles and so much laughter.

As I walk down the road while the rain is falling,
I heard a sweet voice, like an angel was calling.
As I turn around, I captured a warm smile
that overflow with delight like the water of the Nile.

But as I walk towards you, you suddenly walked away.
As you disappeared, I listened to my heart as it say,
"Even if our hearts were separated like worlds apart,
I would still find your love according to my heart."

Saturday, November 1, 2014

【poem】I Need To Know

Sweet, gentle wind began to blow around
as a tiny seed started to grow on the ground.
There are mysteries that people want to know
that the new world can't help but to reveal and show.

But one mystery remained a mystery as time passed.
I couldn't find an answer just by looking through the glass.
I need to know what is this feeling inside me;
an unusual beating of the heart that couldn't flee.

I need to know why my heart beats in such a hurry.
Whenever I see you pass my way, I wanted to scurry.
But my face had already engraved a warm smile
that I've never shown to anyone else for a while.

Love is a feeling that's mysterious but never new
and it's never an easy one to handle and give a clue.
Chance can never do anything about this emotion
and it can't simply be undone by a thousand potions.

There are a lot of things that I wanted to find out,
even the feeling in my heart that's blazing about.
I need to know if this is a feeling that I can have.
I need to know if this is an emotion called love.


To the person I've always loved with all my heart,
in my simple life, you've remained to become a part.
And it seems that no matter how you've hurt my feelings,
my heart will continue to give me life from its beatings.

I know I can never forgive someone who hurt me.
But your love for me before had made me see
a memory that we made under the Heaven's river
that I will remember even if it takes forever.

But I want you to remember the same memory
that begins to fade away as you recall and see.
Remember a love story that remained to be the greatest.
Remember a promise that made our love the strongest.

I can't put my whole heart in fate and chances anymore
when you already began to close your heart's door.
Remember me as the only person who loves you the most.
Please remember my love for you where my life is the cost.

But it seems that no matter how much I want you to recall,
time had made your heart to crash down and fall.
It made your heart put out the glow of an ember
of our memories before. But still, please remember.