Thursday, November 20, 2014

【poem】Lead Me To Your Heart

You lost the one you love, so now you're all alone,
bearing all the pain inside like the world was your own.
But your tears never had a chance to fall
because you never want to show it all.

Being with you eternally is what I want to achieve.
But your heart never stops crying and it continues to grieve.
The word "eternal" might not exists right now.
So maybe in another life, we'll find it somehow.

Rains kept on pouring as you walk down your road sadly.
But I'm just here by your side, even though you don't bother to look and see.
I wanted to seek for signs that might help me out
and would never give my heart a lot of lies and doubt.

I just love being by your side, supporting you all the way,
like a real loving friend that will always be here to stay.
But I wonder if I'm really just a friend to you
because right now, I couldn't think of what else to do.

Just lit up the flame to guide me to those given signs
while I walk the path that could connect our different lines.
Lines that might separate our beliefs and become apart.
But I'll continue walking down the road that will lead me to your heart.

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