Friday, April 24, 2020

【personal thoughts】I'm Back!

Okay. I know. It's been a long while since I last posted anything here. I'm tempted to post the Thoughts From Quotes category again. I also want to continue posting some of my journal entries here, as well. But let's see when will I do that.

I really should take this writing craft seriously. A lot of the pick-a-card tarot reading I've watched on Youtube keep on pointing out about my life purpose being the one related to what I love to do the most. And only one thing keeps on popping up in my mind when it comes to that ー writing.

Things had gotten a little hectic around here since the CoViD-19 issue began. It was frustrating, to be honest. Even for me who doesn't go out that often, it's still a disconcerting thing to handle. Writing my thoughts still helps. But not everyone do the same thing as me. And yet, even with that, I truly believe that the world are going to get through this. At least, one step at a time, the world would be able to.

As for me, a lot of things kept on making me busy (or distracted should be the right word for that) since the enhanced quarantine (and now, lockdown) started here in our area. That would be watching videos about BTS. Yup, I know. I can't really remember the real reason why I started watching video compilations about them. I haven't watched any of the music videos yet. Just clips and video compilations.

But yeah, these guys are the ones that kept me busy, distracted, and most importantly, sane from all of these commotion caused by the pandemic. I'm more into listening some of their songs, though. I have to blame my sisters for actually suggesting the songs to me. She's an (inactive and silent) ARMY, by the way ー with Suga as her bias.

Okay, so I guess for now, that's all I have to write here. I'm pretty much active on Instagram (UN: @pllrnsjs), though. So if you want to, you can visit me there.

Till next time!