Monday, January 3, 2022

【journal prompt】Do you believe in New Year's resolution? Why or why not?

I believe in them. But for some weird reason, I couldn't do it fully. I know it's a weird answer, so let me try to explain it a bit. Resolutions are like a long list of goals to me. Things that people wanted to do within a span of one year -- or more. I don't know. It depends on the person, I guess. But for me, these resolutions should be things to be done with conviction and determination. It's easy to say them. It's easy to say that you'd do them. But can you actually do it?

That's the real question there. But I believe that they are a great way to start changing your life if you truly intend to do so. I don't recall having made New Year's resolution, even when I was younger. But it was a running joke in our family when I was younger since my Mom made it her New Year's resolution to actually fold her comforter/blanket after waking up and getting out of bed. But she never did -- like, at all.

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