Sunday, February 27, 2022

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 39 |

Okay, so it's been more than a month since I last posted a Sunday Currently entry or any other sensible blog post here. I'm sorry. Things got a little chaotic here since two members of our household were tested positive for COVID. Then my Mon seemed to be dealing with depression that affects the mood and relationship within our family. Honestly, it's hard to deal with the heavy air in here, especially when my mom and my sister were having some misunderstanding or changing the way they interact with each other. I'm still sane and I'm doing my best to keep my sanity intact just so I could deal with it. But sometimes, their stubbornness is really getting on my nerves, as much as I hate to say it. Dealing with their changing moods can be pretty daunting.

Complaining wasn't exactly my intention when I decided to write a Sunday Currently entry here. I apologize, but it seems that I can't really help it. Maybe I should write a separate entry for more life updates, huh? Not sure if I could accompany some photos on that, but I'll try. We'll see.

In any case, let's get on with the real part of this entry.

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: "The Fellowship Of The Ring" and "The Horse And His Boy". Actually, I'm switching between these two -- depending on the mood. Of course, I'm just continuing to read the first one since I actually started reading this last year but I've barely passed reading Chapter 2. As for the second one, it's something I started reading this month. Or was it January? Still need to recall that one.

Writing: Chapter 13.1 of the first volume of TLSOTE. At least, I'm about to start writing that one. There are other stories in my currently writing list, but I've managed to finish 3 updates on my current list of chapters and one-shots to post. This particular chapter is the one I decided to write next after that.

Listening: To "Itoshii Hito E (To My Beloved)" by Tainaka Sachi. It's the one currently playing from my playlist and it was also the theme song I chose for TLSOTE. Quite a timing, huh?

Thinking: Of how to deal with the recurring onset of toothache (or should I say gum ache) and headache that only occurs on one side. Mostly the right one. It's been like this for three days now, for some reason, and it had never happened before.

Smelling: The chocolate chip cookies and brownies beside me. Well, that's because I'm eating them.

Wishing: For a brand new smartphone, either as a gift or something I'd buy for myself. Actually, I've been wishing for that for more than two years now, since I lost my phone around 2019, if I'm not mistaken. I have to check my journal on that one, just to be sure.

Hoping: To buy a new set of composition notebook that I can use. Yes, I'm getting specific on the composition one.

Wearing: A shirt and an old jeans that I cut into shorts since I don't exactly want to throw it away before. I still haven't changed to any of my nightwear, that's why.

Loving: The fact that I'm able to slowly keep up with my fiction writings regardless if I'm actually able to post them online around the same time or not.

Wanting: To buy more journal stickers, at least around the area or the town proper. Then again, I could only do that online since not many school supplies stores here sell them.

Needing: Some pain relievers since this pain doesn't really want to fade away easily as I hoped it would be.

Feeling: A little scared, since it is unusual for me to deal with this continuous onset of headache. But here I am, affirming that it'll fade soon.

Clicking: On videos related to the two Japanese movies I'm eagerly waiting to watch once they're out in July. "Moekare Wa Orenji-iro (My Boyfriend In Orange)" and "Konya, Sekai Kara Kono Koi Ga Kietemo (Tonight, Even If This Love Disappears From The World)".

Okay, there we go. I think I made it long enough for a compensation post, as I'd like to call it. Not sure when would I be able to post next. But even with that, thank you for reading!

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