I know it's been a long while since I even posted anything here after that last one. The truth is, I've neglected this account for various reasons.
- I don't have anything to post about.
- I was worried that no one will ever come visit this page at all.
- A lot of things had been occuring and happening in my life that I even lost track of the events happening around.
Yes, I am aware. They're not good reasons at all. Until now, I'm still dealing with that insecurity and fear that NO ONE will ever visit here. But now I know the reason if they never cared to visit this.
That's because I didn't even post anything worth mentioning. I didn't post anything worth reading and having it catch the attention of the people. Sad that I didn't realize that early, right?
In any case, here's what I've been up to recently.
- I'm planning on writing an e-book based on two things. (1) About my life as a 31-year-old single woman and (2) a mini collection of quotes that I wrote. More into that soon since they're just plans for now.
- I've been consistent with my journal writing and about 200+ days more for me to reach my goal of journaling for 1000 days. That's crazy!
- I decided to give it more time and attention to learn a new language beside the ones I already knew (which was Filipino and English). I've passively learned Japanese/Nihongo before over the years and were already familiar with a few phrases. But I want to take my learning to another level to the point that I could hold a conversation with a Japanese person. And along with learning Japanese, I also decided to learn Italian. It was supposed to be Spanish back in late 2021, but I changed my mind around September this year. I don't know why. But for now, I decided to stick with this two. Now I just have to come up with a workable study plan and stick with it, as well.
For now, I'm going to use my Ko‑fi account as a blog of some sort, filling people with updates on the journey I chose to undertake. They may be a lot for now. But I know I just have to take it one step at a time. And I know I can do it, as long as I dedicate myself into it.
Thank you for reading this entry. I truly appreciate it. 😄💕✌️❤️