Saturday, December 28, 2019

【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 3

I haven't written anything here in a while. But since I didn't write anything on my journal tonight, either, I might as well do it here. Nothing much has happened, though. I still have to deal with so many things. A few of them, namely:

❇️Cold weather
❇️Toothache (or better call it gumache)
❇️Fear of a lot of things

Weird, huh? But it's a good thing that I could be distracted from all of these by simple things. At this point, I ended up enjoying to watch reaction videos of a few foreign channels with regards to P-Pop boy group SB19. I have to admit, I came to love some of their songs. But I actually find it hilarious to watch other people react to this group. At least, they don't just settle to reacting entirely to K-Pop.

Right now, I'm dealing with runny nose and headache because of (obviously) a common colds that I have contracted already. I could only hope that it won't get worse when New Year arrives. I don't want to end up getting sick on that festive event.

By the way, a while back, I was thinking of rewriting the "Eight Thorned Blades" entirely. Like start everything from scratch. Literally. Of course, the original concept will remain. But instead of multiple POVs placed together, I'll possibly focus on one to two. It still depends. It will start with Kourin's (the surviving princess of the Shinomiya clan), then the other clan princesses will follow. I'm still debating on this one, to be honest. I have no idea on how will I implement this, or if I will actually do it.

Anyway, I'm still thinking about it. I also need to read more materials so I could actually continue the story. I could seriously feel that my writing juice is depleting at a steady rate. It's still alaraming for me, in case you don't know.

So I guess that's it for my rant that I couldn't write on my journal for now. I have to sleep already, in hopes of dissipating this headache that's been going on since this afternoon. I really don't want to rely on more medicine because of this.

In any case, good night.



Friday, December 20, 2019

【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 2

I couldn't think of anything to write on my journal tonight. So I'm doing it here. However, I have a feeling that I'm only going to do a short version of this.

I still have no idea what to write here, to be honest. It's already getting late and not to mention, I'm getting sleepy. Maybe the cold December weather triggers it. At the moment, I have no idea.

Well, today, I've written down the episode list of Detective Conan with the intention of rewatching it and maybe, write at least a short thought about each episodes. I kind of need to refresh my mind about the series before I actually need to continue writing the third book of the Prince of Tennis/Detective Conan crossover fanfiction series "Detective Tennis".

In any case, I still need the inspiration, so rewatching this was like a refresher for me. It's been a long while since I last watched this series anyway.

Thursday, December 5, 2019

【poem】Here's To The Blue

Here's to the blue moments you never saw
as you never witnessed my falling tears
the day you decided to walk away.

Here's to the blue color that was once my favorite
and enough to make me smile somehow,
even though it doesn't do the same thing anymore.

Here's to the blue pen that once inspired me.
The colored pen that was said to trigger inspiration
and could make me cry now as memories flooded me.

Here's to the blue ink that would always stain
my beloved notebook and even my shirt
and would forever remind me of how you are in my life.

Here's to the blue sky that starts a new day
as the sun shines bright on a brand new me
and I began stepping out to face a life without you.

Even though life and the color that you love
would never bring you back to me at all,
I will stand firm, in one way or another.

The love we once knew would give us a new life
where we don't have to be reminded of things
that once made us regretful and forever blue...

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

【poem】Some Thoughts

I know you'll never wonder
about the life I have to ponder.

Maybe you'll never care at all
about the time I took the fall.

So here are the words I wrote,
back when I still love your quotes.

Even though your words linger on
as soon as I'm done crying a ton.

I'll forget you and let it all go
no matter how much I'll miss you so.