Saturday, September 11, 2021

【personal thoughts】Short Life Update # 1

So at the moment, I'm just seizing the opportunity of having people not using the desktop computer for me to be able to write here. I mean, it's been a while since I've posted something here properly, right? I was supposed to do a wrap-up for the month of August. But my birth month turned out to be wackier than I thought it would be. That's why I'm doing it this way for now.

Still an unemployed person, sorry to say that. For someone who already turned 30, this is not good news at all. But as much as I want to actually find a job, I'd really like it to be something that I'm happy to do regardless of the stress. Writing is the one thing that kept me sane, and obviously, something that I've always been happy to do for who knows how long. Seriously, when did I start writing stories, anyway? I mean, writing something that really brought me so much joy and would make me forget the world around me? Geez, I can't even remember when it all started.

At the moment, it's raining hard here since last night due to Tropical Cyclone Kiko (international name: Chanthu). But here I am, kind of hoping that it won't be the same as what happened last month when it rained for three weeks straight. And also here I am, praying for those affected by the higher typhoon signals.

I watched Kamen Rider Saber, by the way. And you could say that I like the concept of it using books, stories, and swords. I'm pretty sure you're aware that I like those.

As for stories I'm focusing on writing now, I have the new version of "The Last Sky Of The Earth" in its fantasy setting and written in English. Not an easy thing to do, if I'm going to be honest. But hey, I chose to do this, only because the concept of isekai has really hit me. Even the concept of reincarnation and things like that.

Yup, I wasn't joking when I said that this is short. Let's see if I'd be able to post something else here before the month ends. Stay safe!

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