Sunday, January 9, 2022

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 38 |


My first Sunday Currently entry of the year 2022! What do you know? I'm actually posting something here today. Well, I'm doing this a little earlier than usual since this is the only time that I can use the computer. And yes, while I still have the drive to write this down here. I kind of miss writing a Sunday Currently since I kept on putting them on hold because it could be either I was tired or sleepy or lazy or other reasons. Yes, there were a lot that I could think of as to why I haven't posted more Sunday Currently entries.

In any case, I have to do this before I lose the drive again. A lot had happened, anyway. So here we go!

This Sunday, I'm currently:

Wednesday, January 5, 2022

【personal thoughts】Habits I Actually Did (And Still Doing)

My first blog post for the year! What do you know? I was supposed to do a lot of year-end reflections and stuff but didn't have the energy to do it. And then I was visiting my Tumblr account where I found this. And since I don't know what to post here, I'm doing this for now. It's still something personal, and I'd like to share it here. Out of the items/activities/ways/habits listed in The Guardian’s 100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying article, let’s see what I’ve actually done over there since... Well, I just want to see what I’ve done. At least since last year.

Let’s go!

2 On the fence about a purchase? Wait 72 hours before you buy it. - Well, this is more of the contemplation over whether or not it’s worth spending any money over it.

4 Bring fruit to work. Bring fruit to bed! - This is more convenient than buying biscuits in stores on a cold night when I decided to stay up late.

13 Feeling sluggish at work? Try the Pomodoro technique: 25 minutes on, five-minute break, and repeat. - I’ve tried this a lot of times over the last year, especially when I have to work on so many pending writings.

16 Set aside 10 minutes a day to do something you really enjoy – be it reading a book or playing Halo. - The maximum had been 20 minutes... before they decided to call me again to do some errands and this and that. You know what I mean, right?

18 Reuse all plastic bags – even bread bags. Much of the packaging you can’t reuse can be taken to larger branches of supermarkets for recycling. - We were limited in plastic bags that we can use ever since eco-bags were on the roll here. So yeah, every plastic bag that can be reused is important.

22 Laugh shamelessly at your own jokes. - As weird as it would appear, I’m only doing this when I have my alone time.

23 It might sound obvious, but a pint of water before bed after a big night avoids a clanger of a hanger. - Not always, but I managed to do this for nights -- even if it doesn’t happen every night.

24 Start a Saturday morning with some classical music – it sets the tone for a calm weekend. - Well, this is more of a way for me to set the mood so that I could write better right after.

25 Look closely. - Literally and metaphorically, yes. I did this several times because I have to analyze some of them. As weird as it sounds.

27 If possible, take the stairs. - This is more because I like to walk. And a lot of areas here in Baguio use stairs instead of just a straight road or path or something.

30 Be polite to rude strangers – it’s oddly thrilling. - Well, this was hard, but I managed. But I’d rather not talk to them and would just choose to avoid them in order to avoid trouble. It’s better and it’s quieter for my sanity.

32 Connect with nature: stand outside barefoot for a few minutes – even when it’s cold. - Done this a lot, since I tend to forget wearing slippers, anyway. Hahaha!

42 Don’t have Twitter on your phone. - I don’t have Twitter or any other SNS apps on my phone for about a year already.

44 Try taking a cold shower (30 seconds to two minutes) before your hot one. It’s good for your health – both physical and mental. - I’ve been doing this for quite a while now, honestly, than boil some water since... I’m impatient in waiting for the water to boil, anyway. And yes, even if the temperature here had already dropped to 10 degrees Celsius and below.

45 Text to say thank you. - I mean, it’s manners, right? Especially when they did something to help you.

48 Buy secondhand. - Did this around the time I was looking for heels that I’d be wearing for my younger sister’s wedding. I don’t have enough money at the time, so... you know the gist.

49 Buy in person! - Same as # 48. I mean, I have to. I’m the one who has to choose the design.

52 Say hello to your neighbors. - Done this to some of them since not all actually deserved it, in my opinion.

66 Don’t save things for “best”. Wear them – enjoy them. - And enjoy them I did.

67 Sing! - I do this a lot... for a reason, of course. And when I’m alone.

74 Respect your youngers. - Also doing this even when talking to them online.

79 Ignore the algorithm – listen to music outside your usual taste. - Did this a few times and somehow, I liked how I managed to find songs that I’d want to listen to, even if it’s not my usual taste of music.

84 Handwash that thing you’ve never cleaned. - I never cleaned it because I actually forgot about it. I know, my bad. Sorry.

85 Don’t get a pet/do get a pet. - The bold one is actually my choice. But my mom actually got three.

86 Nap. - I mean, I ended up having naps before I could even stop myself. Seriously.

87 Learn how to breathe deeply: in through the nose, out through the mouth, making the exhale longer than the inhale. - This was hard, but I was able to do it a few times.

89 Politely decline invitations if you don’t want to go. - Actually, I decline invitations when I really have no drive or desire to go anywhere except my room.

93 Do that one thing you’ve been putting off. - Folding my clothes in my cabinet. Finally! And it’s been a long while since I started contemplating doing this.

96 Keep a book in your bag to avoid the temptation to doomscroll. - Been doing this since I don’t want to complain on the fact that the line was long or the wait was long. And I have reasons not to look at people. Hehe!

97 Listen to the albums you loved as a teenager. - They’re still cute, in my opinion. And they do give off nostalgic emotions in me.

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

【journal prompt】Do you feel your chronological age? Why or why not?

 Honestly speaking, I don't. I don't feel like I'm 30 years old already, both in my mind and my body. Probably because I wasn't even thinking of it that way. I felt like I was still in my 20s or something. And it's also probably the reason why people don't see me as 30 years old. I have to add that my mindset doesn't seem like it was something a 30-year-old would have, anyway. I know this is just me thinking it and feeling it. But it really appears that way to me. I know that there are healthy 30 years old out there who rarely get sick. And I'm glad that I'm one of them.

Monday, January 3, 2022

【journal prompt】Do you believe in New Year's resolution? Why or why not?

I believe in them. But for some weird reason, I couldn't do it fully. I know it's a weird answer, so let me try to explain it a bit. Resolutions are like a long list of goals to me. Things that people wanted to do within a span of one year -- or more. I don't know. It depends on the person, I guess. But for me, these resolutions should be things to be done with conviction and determination. It's easy to say them. It's easy to say that you'd do them. But can you actually do it?

That's the real question there. But I believe that they are a great way to start changing your life if you truly intend to do so. I don't recall having made New Year's resolution, even when I was younger. But it was a running joke in our family when I was younger since my Mom made it her New Year's resolution to actually fold her comforter/blanket after waking up and getting out of bed. But she never did -- like, at all.