Friday, October 31, 2014

【poem】Within A Silent Heart

I've always lived my life the way I wanted to,
but it seems that something's missing in what I do.
There's a missing piece in my life that I need to fill
in order for me to have a life that's complete and real.

Up until now, I've never had a chance to love
no matter how much I try to catch the stars above.
A love that will help me fulfill my greatest dreams
and will give me the strength to cross trials' streams.

As I walk my path, there's an obstacle ahead
and it isn't as easy as a book that I've read.
But you came to my way and crushed it down to bits.
You drove all the obstacles away in scared fleets.

Though you've saved me from the crucial path I walk,
my heart remained silent and couldn't find a way to talk.
It's because of a feeling that you've unknowingly lit
within a silent heart of mine that continuously beat.

I wanted so much to thank you for what you've done.
I even wanted our hearts to unite and become one.
But I'm willing to wait until destiny becomes a part
of a blazing feeling that lies within a silent heart.

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