Saturday, May 11, 2019

【personal thoughts】To Feel Sad Before Smiling

I really don't know what to say about this day. I mean, I was just looking at my Twitter feeds this morning and I was surprised and felt sad when I learned that Pua Magasiva whom I've only known as Shane in Power Rangers Ninja Storm (possibly the first PR series I've watched) was found dead. I'm not that active and vocal in expressing my interest in PR compared to Super Sentai. But that doesn't mean I'm not familiar with some of the actors in the franchise. One that I'm quite familiar with was Pua.

It's really sad to know that he's gone, just like that. I still couldn't believe it. I would've accepted that if he died of old age or something. But there seemed to be no further explanation as to how he died. He was found dead in Wellington. The other articles I read doesn't seem to further explain things with regards to that. And that's what frustrated me until now.

On another note, there was something in Twitter that made me smile and also scold myself because I forgot about it. What was it?

It's Seiya Inagaki's birthday.

This is the tweet I've seen that reminded me of that. In case I haven't mentioned anything here yet, Seiya Inagaki is actually one of my Japanese celebrity crushes despite not having so little filmography since he's more active in doing stage plays.

I might write a separate blog entry to express my birthday greeting to him, even though I know he would never be able to read it.

So now, I guess you know that phrase as my blog title. 😁✌️😁✌️