Sunday, April 25, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 28 |

July of 2019? Are you freaking kidding me? That was the last time I've written a Sunday Currently entry? Just what the heck happened to the rest of 2019 and the entire 2020 for me not to be able to post any more of this? I mean, seriously. Anyway, even I was surprised to know that. I can't believe I haven't posted anymore Sunday Currently entry in so long. So let's do it again, shall we? I want to make up for the long time that I haven't updated my Sunday Currently entries.

Shall we start?

So this Sunday, I'm currently...

Reading: "Heart Stealers # 1: Rosenda, The Heiress Thief" by Destiny and "A Wrinkle In Time" by Madeleine L'Engle. I'm actually alternating them in terms of reading, though I tend to read the latter when I'm outside and when there were long lines or something like that just for me not to get bored or anything. I want to make my waiting time productive... I think.

Writing: A Super Sentai crossover one-shot fanfic featuring Towa from Ryusoulger and Sena from Kiramager. It was one of the pairs requested for me to write about and I only got to do it now.

Listening: To "Stay" by Carol Banawa. And to think that I was just trying to visualize a story scene in which someone was saying goodbye to a special person who died and changed her life after that death. Like, what the heck?

Thinking: Of what to eat while waiting for my task tonight to finally be over and also a new story to focus writing on since I have a lot of them planned and waiting to get started. Mind torture!

Smelling: Nothing. My nose isn't really functioning well right now due to summer runny nose, so I can't smell anything properly at the moment.

Wishing: For this pandemic to finally stop spreading so things could fully function normally once again. But I'm quite sure that it'll take a long time for it to actually happen.

Hoping: For my future this year to be a little better, especially with concerns to my writings and the documents I truly needed since a long time ago.

Wearing: My old college uniform (which was just a T-shirt with the school name on front) and short jeans. I'd be changing later to a pink nightwear, anyway. I just have to finish my other task and do my nightly routine.

Loving: The small teddy bear I just washed days ago. I don't know why, but I was tempted to name it "Earth", for some weird reason. I'm still debating on that one, though. It might not be the official name. 😜

Wanting: To buy the other books on my list so that I could complete my collection. Specifically The Golden Compass (His Dark Materials # 1), Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia # 4), Sir Thursday (Keys To The Kingdom # 4), Superior Saturday (Keys To The Kingdom # 6), and Lord Sunday (Keys To The Kingdom # 7). It's hard to find copies of these books on bookstores, honestly. Especially second hand ones.

Needing: To accept the fact that one of these days, my mom and my sisters could truly create a charity foundation if their way too good-hearted nature (at least parts of it) would keep kicking in. I actually just realized that today.

Feeling: Hungry. O haven't had dinner yet. But I didn't mention anything or else, I'd be scolded again. I'll eat once I'm done with my task.

Clicking: On Youtube, particularly reaction videos for the last episode of the Thai series "A Tale of Thousand Stars". I don't know, but I really find it fun watching them. Was it weird for me to think that way?

Finally! I got to post this here after a really long time. Now I'd better go back to doing my task so I could continue imagining things and scenarios again. Who knows? Maybe one of them can come true, one way or another.

Time to go back to my own world. Till next time!

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