Saturday, May 1, 2021

【personal thoughts】April 2021 Wrap-Up and May 2021 Goals

An April wrap-up that I'm writing in May. How weird is that? Well, I wasn't able to write this last night as I was too sleepy to even concentrate. My journal writing nearly suffered from that drowsiness, as well. It's a good thing I was still able to write something there as I've made a goal of writing on my journal for 1,000 days straight. I still need to calculate as to how many days I've been doing this straight days journal writing, but I can say that I'm making quite a progress.

Anyway, I'll list down some of the major things that happened last month, with information courtesy of my journal. Hehe!

I've got to write a Sunday Currently entry after a long, long time. I mean, almost 2 years? You've got to be kidding me.

✔I got to write a book review. Just one, though. Why is it that I can't read as voraciously as I did when I was younger?

✔Got to update/post one-shots and finally finished writing "Same Fear" after several years. I mean, I posted the story way back 2017 and I only got to finish it now. And I got to achieve most of these when I tried doing the Pomodoro technique.

✔I finished watching a BL series for the first time in my life, I'm not gonna lie. I'm not the type to watch a BL series, to be honest. But the plot of "A Tale Of Thousand Stars" really caught my interesr as soon as I watched the trailer. So I thought, why not give it a try, right? And it appeared I made the right choice.

✔Got to do a pre-registration for the National ID, even with my birth certificate still in the process of getting fixed.

✔Watched a Pinoy movie for the first time after a long time. I would definitely say a few years of not watching any Pinoy movies. But I love the plot of "Write About Love" not only because it's about writers, but the way they executed it. And it made me want to go to Sagada, for some reason. 😁😁

I guess that's a lot for a month that's starting to heat up (literally). April and May are like the hottest months here, with May starting to seemingly become excruciating in terms of hot weather as days would pass by.

So aside from a monthly wrap-up, I'd like to do a list of monthly goals, as well. I mean, I'd like to do this to keep track of what I have to do for that month. And I'd like to start it this month.

Answer 3-10 journal prompts. I managed to do it for a whole month last year, but it seems that it could also take a toll on my mind at some point. So let's lessen it a bit. If I could do more than this, why not?

⬜ Update some of my pending stories, possibly 3-7 parts this months, regardless of the story parts I'd end up choosing from the draw lots that I made.

⬜ Read 2-3 books. If I could read more, why not? I actually miss those days that I coukd read 5-6 in a month.

⬜ Earn at least half of what I need to pay for the TIN ID that I could use for the biomentrics in time for August registration of National ID.

⬜ Write 2-3 Sunday Currently entries. I have this feeling that I won't be able to do all 4-5 Sundays in a month. So let's do it this way for now.

⬜ Possibly start a new story, even with the fact that I have a lot of ongoing and pending ones.

Okay. I guess I listed a lot for this month's goals, huh? But hey, I'd like to keep track on this one. Or should I say, I'd like to start it right here. My mind had been straying a lot for a long while now. Might as well do what I can do to get back on track, right? In any case, let's see what happens.

See you next month! 😉✌😄

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