Thursday, May 13, 2021

【journal prompt】Your favorite books.

I think I'm going to list 10 here, but not in any particular order. Okay? I'd rather not rank the books I've been reading and going to my list of favorites.

πŸ“– "Harry Potter And The Chamber Of Secrets" by J.K. Rowling (English)

πŸ“– "Nights In Rodanthe" by Nicholas Sparks (English)

πŸ“– "39 Clues # 9: Storm Warning" by Linda Sue Park (English)

πŸ“– "The Sign Of The Twisted Candle (Nancy Drew # 9)" by Carolyn Keene (English)

πŸ“– "A Ring Of Endless Light" by Madeleine L'Engle (English)

πŸ“– "Para Sa Hopeless Romantic" by Marcelo Santos III (Filipino)

πŸ“– "Made In Heaven" by Louise Dane (Filipino)

πŸ“– "My Mischievious Star" by Maricar Dizon (Filipino)

πŸ“– "Unwritten Letters To You" by T.B. LaBerge (English)

πŸ“– "Bucket List Of Love" by C.P. Santi (English)

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