Tuesday, May 18, 2021

【about writing】All About "Our Memory Of The Dawn"

Okay. Since I just update this fanfic 3 days ago, I guess I should start telling more about this particular story on this segment of my blog. Come to think of it, I haven't written anything for a long while that talks about the stories I wrote, right? The last one was about "The Secret Of The Rose Clans" from the Chronicles Of The Roses romance series and I'm not sure if it was enough.

Anyway, here we go.

This fanfic story was something I decided to write ― as I mentioned on a small writer's note at the end of the first part ― because of the character ship that someone did for me. I don't usually participate in this kind of fandom game, to be honest. But I thought at the time to give it a try, just for fun. Here is the entry I submitted ― though I'm not sure when I submitted it to her, actually. (Update: I submitted it to her around the last quarter of 2018; not sure what month, unfortunately.)

I have black hair that reaches past my shoulders and brown eyes. My skin color is light brown and I'm 5'2" in height. One thing I love is writing ― literally. My day won't be complete without me doing it. I read, but more often, I choose what I read. Most of them would be YA fantasy. Other times, it would be romance and articles about history (archaeology, in particular). I'm what most people call as a wallflower ever since, I guess that's one reason why I prefer being alone and had been doing a lot of people-observing as reference for the stories I'm writing. But that doesn't mean I'm not keen on meeting new people. I could be quiet and unapproachable at first but once people get to know me, I could be the loudest person you'll know (though not all the time).

Well, that was a long description I submitted. And even though this was submitted more than two years ago, I think half of these traits still describe me at some point. It's just my perception, though. The pandemic, I think, had changed some of the other traits I listed there.

As for the character ship that the writer made for me based on this, here it is. As isabellabellaC (Wattpad) replied, she shipped me with: Edmund.

Believe it or not, you meet Edmund in Narnia. You are taken to Narnia after the Golden Age and became one of the Queens of Narnia. However, your reign in Narnia is not long at first. You are quickly sent back to your own world after spending one and a half decade in Narnia. Despite your short reign in Narnia, you are still one of the most respected royalty in Narnia. You are taken back to Narnia for helping Prince Caspian to get back his kingdom. Needless to say, you meet Edmund back there and a certain Just King kinda falls for you, literally and metaphorically.

The first time you meet Edmund is on top of Aslan's How. You are doing your usual people-observing activity, and Edmund literally runs over you. He is heading to the fencing field and almost impales you with his sword. Thank Aslan for your fast reflexes or else, there is gonna be a big hole on your torso.

Edmund always laughs at your height. I mean, you are not being short. He is just so freakishly tall. He always uses your shoulder as a handstand and leans on you. At first, it is pretty annoying. Later on, you get used to it and loved how he put his chin on your head. It feels like you are always under his protection and he will always be your king in shining armour no matter what.

Edmund one time accidentally finds out your writings. He reads it and immediately falls in love with it. He always knows that you are a talented writer, but he never expects your work can be that amazing. Shortly put, he loves your passion in writing and supports you whenever he can.

The moment I read this, an idea immediately popped up in my mind. Yes, my writer mind worked as soon as that. Or should I say, my imaginative mind began working? But I only got to start writing about this at around the start of 2019. I was so pumped up in starting to write this.

But like as usual, I couldn't stay committed to writing this as my mind was still hovering and wandering towards my other pending and ongoing stories. Not to mention, my drive for writing anything at the time was slowly dissipating and that's what makes it even more frustrating for me.

As for the story, I decided to make a few changes to the initial storyline, especially the part where Edmund and Amy (the name of the OC in that fanfic) met for the first time. The near sword-impaling still applied, but the setting was changed a bit. Or was it? Wait, I need to recall that one. One thing I know, I did make a few changes.

By far, that's the only part of the story that I was able to write out of all the storyline that was formed through that "shipping" (if that's how you actually call it). Of course, through that, I ended up thinking of a story, as well. This time, it's about Amy's reign in Narnia. Through a history/world building event I decided to participate on Tumblr, I was able to conjure up a plot of some sort. I was thinking of writing a story out of this ― possibly I'll post it here or on Tumblr when I have the chance or if ever I actually decide to write it down.

This is what I wrote there: 


In 1065 NY, 50 years after the Pevensies disappeared.

Hailing from the 21st century, Amaya ruled as Narnia's queen for about 17 years before she herself disappeared as she followed a hauntingly beautiful flute music that she first heard before getting transported to Narnia, arriving there during its dark times. This mystical country was left without a ruler to guide them. Wars and invasion attempts continued to haunt the place when Amaya (nicknamed Amy) arrived and greeted both by an invading army's soldier and a pack of talking wolves. One of those wolves saved Amy from getting killed and also trained her to fight using short swords and archery, while a centaur guided her and told her of her destiny to rule and revive Narnia from its darkness. As both creatures described it, her destiny was like a dawn shedding new light into Narnia's dark times. She managed to do so in spite of her initial hesitation and fear. Thus, earning her the title "The Dawn", in reference to that description and to her first arrival in Narnia.

I still have no idea on how to process the entire story or which scene would go where. I just don't know when. I made a short trailer of this story, by the way; though I made it out of .gif images as my phone at the time was quite incapable of saving a large amount of video clips that I could use.

You can check it out here:

Okay. This entry turned out to be longer than I expected it to be. I should be glad with that, right? In any case, I'm just happy that I got to talk about (or in this part, write about) one of the stories that I've been writing. And a fanfiction, at that. Let's see what story will I discuss here next time.

Love lots, everyone! Stay safe. 😄💕

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