Tuesday, July 13, 2021

【episode comments】"A Tale Of Thousand Stars"

Why am I writing an entry about this, by the way? If I'm going to be honest, I don't know, as well. But I've had this urge to actually do this since last month. Sadly, I only got the time to do it today. So here I am.

And yet, instead of doing an episode by episode entry like before, I preferred doing it this way. Or you could say I decided to do it this way. Maybe because I just like to keep it short, if I can. Or maybe I'm just too lazy to even write entries per episode. Procrastinating is really not good for me who's struggling to deal with it.

Anyway, back to the topic. It's been months since this series finished airing and I'm still having a hard time letting go. Not only because of the storyline that caught my attention since I first watched the trailer, but because of the fact that this was the first BL series that I watched without skipping. Okay, it's the first BL series I watched. Period. I have to say that it was a game changer for me in some ways. Even my writer self got affected by the story, somehow.

Series Plot:

A volunteer teacher dies in a tragic accident, in which her heart is transplanted to Tian. Through a series of diary entries, Tian learns about her life, her secrets and interests. Including her promise to Chief Forest officer Phupha, about counting a thousand stars with him. Tian then decides to follow in her footsteps and complete her dream. With Tian a new volunteer teacher, he attempts to befriend Phupha. Yet Phupha gives off a cold exterior. Slowly the two grow close, but Tian's heart beats fast around the forest officer. As he starts to fall for him, much like its previous owner did. But with the area being dangerous, can they keep their thousand-star promise?

The heart transplant plot already made me decide to watch this series, to be honest. I actually once had a plot like that in one of my writing plans. Unfortunately, I still haven't started writing it until now, even though years had passed since I first thought of it.

You can watch the trailer here:

In any case, here I go listing the episodes and my short comments on each of them.

  • Chapter 1 - The pilot episode. Of course, a lot of introductions of characters and the build up of the tension that will go on throughout the rest of the series. I couldn't recall this episode much, if I'm going to be honest. Except for that of the 1st part and the last part. But the surgery really did open up a path for Tian to start changing. It might be subtle, but it's definitely there. Confusion might be one of the reasons, until it turned into curiosity, then followed by a new desire. Weird for me to state it this way, but that's what I've noticed. And yes, the wacky meeting between the lead characters, despite the serious aura that it supposed to exude.
  • Chapter 2 - I would call this the start of the struggle for Tian to adjust to his new life in the village. But he was trying and I could see that. Apparently, it went downhill at one point when one of the kids nearly drowned on his watch. Even I would feel terrified when it would actually happen to me. In any case, the characters were starting to get closer -- the "getting to know you" part. And seriously, do they really have to stare at each other like that? Makes me really feel how single I am. Hahaha! Just kidding.
  • Chapter 3 - A lot of kilig moments, in my opinion. And they were just staring and talking normal things. Why do they have to do this to me? I felt attacked, for some reason. But I love this episode not just because of those moments between Tian and Phupha, but also the issues needed to be tackled that happen a lot in the society, regardless of the country. Even here in the Philippines, issues of getting scammed or conned just because of the lack of proper education happen, as well. And also, the villagers' acceptance of Tian that he thought he doesn't deserve and yet, he got it.
  • Chapter 4 - Episode in which their "first date" happened. Yes, I would consider that their first date, considering the fact that Phupha even did a lot of preparations on himself just for that. I like Longtae, by the way. I like to have a friend like him. The tale of Pha Pun Dao was clearly explained here, or at least the details about it was mentioned in this episode. I'm not going to mention about one particular scene in this episode that, I think, became somewhat controversial to the audience. But honestly, I don't find it weird as there had been other cultures where even more controversial things happen. Or at least I thought of it that way because of what I read from magazines (Readers' Digest, mostly) when I was young. Trust me, there were erotic-related cultures and traditions in other countries and tribes that were worse than the one showed here, in my opinion.
  • Chapter 5 - The "realization" episode, as I'd like to call it. I mean, at least more on the realization on Tian's part about his feelings for Phupha, with the help of his friend Tul (whom I would call amazing for being insightful and understanding) who arrived from Bangkok to Chiang Mai. Also an introduction on Mr. Sakda that really gave off a heavy and tensed feeling in this episode. Why did they have to do that, by the way? Another date happened between the lead characters and more sweet moments between them -- all in one day. Pretty, huh? But of course, all the neglect that Tian did on his health -- being a new heart transplant patient, at that -- had taken effect here. Seriously, he was as hardheaded as he was before the surgery. And now, look what happened.
  • Chapter 6 - The tension was definitely starting to build up here. I can't say much about this episode, though. I don't know why. There were definitely some moments worth watching over and over, especially the jealousy part. But yeah, the confrontation on the 1st part was something that started building the tension about the issue with regards to Torfun's death. And seriously, why didn't Phupha and the rest of the Phapirun unit mentioned it to the villagers ahead of time? This was the one question that I was still trying to find answers for. And yes, that school fire. Are you freaking kidding me? Why did they have to do that? After all the hard work that was put in making those tea sachet just so Tian could help the villagers earn more from the tea leaves that weren't sold. Okay, now this is making my head hurts.
  • Chapter 7 - This episode is something I'd call the borderline between sweet, light atmosphere and heavy, tensed feelings starting to hover because of all that had happened in the last episode. Doc Nam was starting to become more of a detective rather than a doctor here. But I could understand his curiosity over the matter, especially since Tian haven't mentioned anything and there were things that seemed to have not add up, in his opinion. He wanted to know the truth, and that was what he did. Tian was doing a lot of blaming game on this one, which was enough to make him decide to leave the village altogether until Phupha came to stop him from doing so. In exchange, he ended up living in the unit -- in Chief's room! But hey, we love more moments between them and the room became the setting to provide just that. And should I complain about that almost kiss scene? Seriously, why did they have to do that? Why did it turn out that way? Okay, I'm definitely complaining nonsense here, at this point.
  • Chapter 8 - By far, the most painful episode for me since you could say that this was the turning point of the episode and the tension that they slowly build up in a lot of the first scenes featured in the first 7 episodes started bursting here. And can I say that I wanted to punch Chief Phupha here for refusing to let Tian explain first before becoming angry and consumed with emotions after the revelation? Okay, maybe I was just over-reacting on this. One thing, though, I actually skipped watching the first two parts of this episode because I knew it would be unbearable for me. I'm weak-hearted when it comes to confrontations, honestly speaking, even in real life. But I still managed to understand the story of this episode even with that. There was a lot of tension in this episode, not only because of the revelation about Torfun's death, but also because of the confrontation with Mr. Sakda, as well. And yes, those gunfire that nearly killed our lead characters. And seriously, why do they have to bring up the hornbill story at the part where Phupha's life hangs between life and death?
  • Chapter 9 - The episode that made me cry a lot, I'm admitting that. And yes, I didn't skip any parts on this one, thank goodness. Some more revelations happened here, and it definitely affected Chief Phupha and Tian's relationship. And to think it happened right after pouring their feelings out for each other, regardless of the lack of the actual words needed to make it actually clear. One thing led to another and they started hurting each other's feeling after one particular revelation with regards to Tian's father and Phupha. But the most tear-jerker part for me, I think, was the scene at the Pha Pun Dao cliff at the last part of the episode. Everything, from Tian's counting of the stars to the exchange of words between him and Phupha, as if saying goodbye and ending every journey that they created there together so that Tian can start over and build his life again after all that.
  • Chapter 10 - Another episode with a lot of tears to spend, seriously. At least, not as much as that of the ones I spent on episode 9. But I don't like goodbyes. Then again, it was featured heavily here, especially on the first part of this episode. Goodbye to the kids, to the village and the villagers, and also to Phupha. However, Phupha didn't appear AT ALL to Tian while he was leaving. He chose to watch him leave from afar and I don't know what to think of that. But maybe he did it to lessen the burden of those goodbyes, even though it still hurts. The next parts of the episode deals with Tian adjusting to his supposed life back in the city after all that had happened in the village. One of them was realizing that his life had never been in his grasp all this time and that he wasn't living on his own accord with no dreams to fulfill. At least, it's something I thought of while watching him contemplate on what he needed to do after all the ordeal he went through in the village. This episode featured Doc Nam's girlfriend-turned-wife Dr. Jib and their wedding was supposed to be where Tian and Phupha would meet again. But the latter chose not to show up to Tian only when the young man arrived at the venue. I mean, seriously, Chief? The last part of the episode was like the resolution for both of them, with Tian heading to US to study and Phupha promising to wait for Tian's return -- all of it happened while Tian's parents and his friend Tul watching everything unfold between the two. Cool, huh? And it seems that Tian's father knew what was going on between Tian and Phupha. I thought at first that it was just Tul who had an idea about it. The mother was confused as heck about this one, especially when the forehead kiss scene happened in front of them. But hey, the leads didn't care, as long as they got to pour out their pent-up feelings for each other one more time before they go on separate ways for a while. They both needed to built up their lives and live it the way they were supposed to -- one way to make each other proud and for each of them to become deserving of each other's love. At least, I thought of it that way.

Really short comments, huh? Yup, you can call me lazy for doing this. Or should I really call it short? I don't know what to make of it. But since I couldn't think of another way to do this series comment, I ended up doing it this way. You know, maybe I should do this to the other series I've watched before, huh? Writing longer comments with lots of paragraphs tend to drain my thoughts, for some reason. Or maybe I'm just feeling it that way.

And quite a short series, in my opinion. Only 10 episodes? I mean, come on. Then again, who I am to complain? I'm just watching. But if I'm going to be honest, I don't mind a special episode since the last episode did end on a good note. Even with that, seeing the life that Tian chose when he decided to stay in Pha Pun Dao after all that is something good, in my opinion.

You know, this was just something I noticed. They did kiss (at the end of the episode) and admitted that they liked each other. But they've never actually said the words "I love you" (or at least say it in Thai language) to each other. This show is more like the example of the saying "Actions speak louder than words", and heavily implied at that. And even so, everyone around them actually felt that love they had for each other, even without the need to say the actual words. It's kind of amazing, if you ask me.

And I have to say, this show just made me gain two (or maybe three) Thai celebrity crushes to add on my list. Hahaha! One of them was already obvious, since I mentioned him on one of the journal prompts I answered and posted here on my blog. Another thing is that this series made me admire Gun Napat even more since he was the one who sang the series' main OST titled "Ni Than Phan Dao (A Tale of Thousand Stars)". Yup, same title as the series and I can understand why, basing it from the lyrics. I've already heard his other songs on some of the Thai series I watched before, and so I adored his singing voice even from there.

You can watch/listen to the song here:

Two more versions of this song were also played in the series. One was sang by Aye Saruchana (the actress who portrayed Torfun) and was played on episodes 8-9. And the other one was Earth's version, played on the last part of the final episode. Aye's rendition was heartbreaking, in my opinion, probably because of everything that happened for her character Torfun. While Earth's was more of a soft declaration of Chief Phupha's feelings for Tian all this time. And to think his rendition was played while the two leads were on Pha Pun Dao cliff, declaring their feelings for each other, accompanied with a kiss. Hehe!

I also love the song played at the end of the episodes, only to find out that Earth sang that and it was his first time releasing a single. Wow! Seriously, that's all I can say. One thing I'd like to comment was about the MV. It wasn't what I was expecting, though -- but it still came out good, in my opinion. The song's title was "Saai Dtaa Go Hok Mai Bpen (Eyes Can't Lie)".

Here's the ending song featured in the series:

There was also one other song that I'd like to feature here that really caught my attention. This one was featured on the third part of the last episode during the wedding reception scene, in which Tian was half-expecting to see Chief Phupha there, but he left beforehand. While Chief turned out to be still in the venue, but decided to be even more stubborn and not show up to and approach Tian at all. From what I know (or at least, what I saw on the date of the posting of the video on Youtube), this song is titled "Lom (Wind)" by Num Kala and was posted a year before the series. Even though it wasn't originally composed for the series, it seemed as if it was the right music for that particular scene. And yes, that song brought up a lot of melancholic feelings, longing feelings, and some more tears when it came up in the episode.

I featured the one with lyrics here so that you'll know why I ended up loving this song, despite the sad message. The lyrics got me -- that's one thing I can say.

Wow... It actually went longer than I thought. I was thinking that this was going to be a short entry, but I guess I was wrong, considering the fact that I added more comments here and there, huh? Do you think I could do the same thing on the next one? We'll see. One thing I can say here, this entry went well for something I'm doing for the first time.

Alright. Till next time!

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