Sunday, July 18, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 34 |

This is one noisy Sunday, if you ask me Then again, I guess every Sunday around here is like that, whether I like it or not. In any case, I still have a lot of things to do, so I might as well start doing this. Those things had a lot to do with writing, anyway. There's journal writing and continuing a story update that I should've posted yesterday, but because of some laziness and other outside factors, I didn't get to do it. It made me decide to create a new posting schedule so that I could keep up somehow.

In any case, we'll see what will happen if I'd be able to actually do it. For now, let's just start writing what I would call a weekend update.

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: "Five Go Adventuring Again" by Enid Blyton. This would be the fourth book that I'm reading this month and let's see if I'd be able to finish it before the month ends.

Writing: A journal entry and the continuation of the story update for the 5th episode of Seitenger that I'm posting on Wattpad and FFN. I still can't believe that I'm able to write something that long, honestly speaking.

Listening: To "Complete" by SNSD. It's the one currently playing on my playlist.

Thinking: If I'd be able to eat some like snacks later while waiting for the water to finally arrive and fill the tank at some point.

Smelling: The Vicks I've put on my nose since I can't smell properly a while back, and also to remove (hopefully) the clogged feeling in it.

Wishing: I could eat some Turkish delight, for some reason. I have no idea why, but that's what came up in my mind just now.

Hoping: For some more journal stickers to add to my collection in which now I've decided to use on my next journal notebook after I fill up the current one I'm writing on.

Wearing: A pink daster with a teddy bear design. My nightwear for tonight.

Loving: The reading challenge that I'm currently participating on, even though I'm a half year late in joining. Weird, huh? But at least it motivates me to read more books than ever.

Wanting: To write more than usual, but my mind isn't really participating right now. And that kind of irks me.

Needing: To get some more sleep. But since it's that day again, I know that's a bit hard to attain.

Feeling: Inspired to the point where I wanted to jot down every idea/scenes that pop up in my mind even though I'm getting sleepy because of the fatigue that I got from walking and going out twice today.

Clicking: On some clips of the 2009 Japanese drama titled "Mei's Butler" that I saw on Youtube. I'm not sure why, though.

There's been some improvements in my take on the reading challenge this week, so I guess that's a good thing. I know my quota for this month was to read three books, but if I could read more than that, I'd really be happy.

So that's all I have for this SC entry. Maybe I could write a longer one next Sunday. Till next time!

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