Friday, July 2, 2021

【personal thoughts】June 2021 Wrap-Up

It's already the second day of July and I still haven't posted this. What the heck am I doing?

And that, folks, should have been my rant to myself since it took me this long to finish typing this. Well, things got a little busy around here and I didn't have time to upload it earlier than it should be. So now here I am. I'd say nothing much had happened this month, at least life-wise. I did manage to list down the things related to my writing progress and some were achieved fairly while others weren't.

So let's get on with it, I guess.

  • I got to read 4 books this month (or should I say 5 since I read 2 volumes?). Hurray to me! Actually, I only placed 3 books in my reading wrap-up blog entry for June. But I ended up reading two volumes of the light novel version of HameFura in one day. I don't know what miracle happened for me to do that. Even so, I'm planning on writing a separate book comment entry for that one.
  • I managed to write 4 story parts out of 7 planned this month. Well, I did say that at least 3 and maximum of 7 story parts. So I guess I was able to achieve at least the minimum quota, right?
  • Sadly, I only got to answer 2 journal prompts this month. I don't know why I wasn't able to answer more. Or maybe I got distracted with something else. I'm not sure.
  • I got to achieve my quota of writing 3 Sunday Currently entries this month.
  • Here's just an addition to my goal tracker this month, and that is to write "thought catalog", even if they were meant for a different date. This month, I got to write 3 of them.
  • This month is my sister Angel's birth month. She was the third of the four girls and was born in year 1995. But we were able to celebrate her birthday on a weekend as she had work on weekdays, in which her birthday actually fell to.
  • Our dog Cafe who was diagnosed with Parvo last month finally recovered and he became way active than he was before.
  • I finally got my TIN ID. Now I just have to put a picture on it (in which it actually required a 1x1 picture) and I also need to have it laminated.
  • I was able to buy the 4th book of "Keys To The Kingdom" series titled "Sir Thursday" on Booksale. Now I just have to find the last two books, 6th and 7th.
  • Should I thank Muse Asia for me being able to watch both the anime version of Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent and My Next Life As A Villainess: All Routes Lead To Doom (HameFura for short). Yes, from beginning to end. I guess watching these two had made me decide to read the light novel versions, as well.
Wow... I actually got to do a lot last month. I never actually realized that. And here I am thinking I should've done more. Anyway, these are still achievements for me, so hurray for me!

Let's do our best to do more this July, shall we? Love lots, you all!

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