Tuesday, June 29, 2021

【personal thoughts】What I Read In June 2021

I know I don't usually do this. But because I subscribed to a few Booktube channels on Youtube, for some reason, I ended up deciding to do this instead of a video. Reason? First and foremost, it'll be easier for me since I'm not exactly into recording myself in a video, anyway. I was never confident in doing that. Second, I just want to compile all my book comments for this month into one single blog post, even though I don't have a lot of books to feature here, anyway. And third, maybe this will motivate me to read more once again.

Honestly speaking, I love reading and it's what motivated me to write stories when I was in high school. My writing endeavors actually started when I was in 6th grade, but my inspiration at the time were my dreams (like, literal dreams from my sleep) and a bunch of anime I've watched. And possibly my crush at the time, as well. Did I actually add that particular fact? I'm laughing inside as I wrote that particular part. Maybe one time, I'll mention him here, regardless of the fact that he would be able to read it or not.

Okay, I think my introduction here turned out to be longer than I intend it to be. But I guess that's okay, right? Nothing wrong with that. I have to say that this month is a good start for me in terms of reading books since I haven't been able to do so in a long while, even when the quarantine started hitting us hard, big time. I bought a few more books even with all the chaos going on around. And yet, they just remained on my shelf. Bad idea, I know.

In any case, here are the books I was able to read this month. A classic English children's book (no judging, please), a Tagalog pocketbook, and the first volume of a light novel I read online. So what do I think about them? I think I should do it in order of the time I got to finish reading them. Just a reminder: My book comments aren't exactly that as deep as those you'd find in Booktube community or even on other book bloggers. I write what I think about them ~ no matter how limited it might be. I just don't want to force myself to writing pretty stuff when trying to explain myself, if you know what I mean.

"The Saint's Magic Power Is Omnipotent" Volume 1 by Tachibana Yuka

I still included this on this month's list as I haven't read any light novels at all right after reading White Hearts a long time ago. And I decided to read this while I was in a slump and too bored to continue reading the ones on my currently reading list. Thankfully, I got to find a site in which I could read this since I was also in the middle of watching the anime adaptation of it. This particular volume covers up to Episode 4 of the series. My thoughts of it? It only made me want to write an isekai story ~ like, for real. Aside from that, the side stories/extra stories gave me an insight of the thoughts of the other characters that I didn't get to see in the anime. Jude, Director Johan, and Commander Hawke, in particular. The magic ranking and systems in that story was detailed, in my opinion. They even included number rankings in terms of magic and magic status viewing that made it clear for me just how powerful Sei really is. I can also see how her hobby (as she claimed that it was the only thing she kept on doing aside from office works) had truly shaped her as a person and made her able to adapt to that new world, regardless of the rude treatment she received when she first arrived there. There were parts that made me slightly emotional (I'm a sensitive person, forgive me for that), especially when she would describe what she was thinking about something or someone. But all in all, it made me want to read the next volume when I have the chance.

"A Wrinkle In Time" by Madeleine L'Engle

I can't recall if it took me a month or more than a month to actually finish and find the time to read this. Only until I started incorporating that micro habit that suggested to read for 15 minutes a day that I was able to actually continue reading this story. And honestly, that micro habit is slowly helping me in regaining my love for reading. It's going to be tough, but I can do it, right? Back to my thoughts on the story. For a children's book, this one sure has a lot of terms that could still be incomprehensible to some. Possibly because of the sci-fi-ish aspect of it since there are other planets and things related to space and time. But for the sake of finally learning the truth about her missing father, Meg did what she could (or what she didn't think she could) in order to do just that, together with her younger brother Charles and her newfound friend Calvin. Then again, even with the sci-fi aspect of it, I did enjoy reading it, especially the three ladies guiding our young travelers to head off on a mission to save someone. They were the ones that made it less complicated for me, honestly speaking. And I love the quotes that Mrs. Who would add in her speech. But the one quote that struck me the most was this: "Vida impedere vero" which means "To stake one's life for the truth". The reason that this was the quote that got stuck with me was because of the story I was writing, and even some of my upcoming ones. A lot of my characters (both main and side characters) are putting their lives on the line just to uncover the truth that had eluded them for so long. And that's exactly what the children were doing when they decided to go on a journey to save the patriarch of the Murry family and inadvertently, save the world from The Black Thing, as well. Definitely not an easy job to consider taking.

"Heart Stealers # 1: Rosenda, The Heiress Thief" by Destiny

This is actually the first Tagalog pocketbook that I got to read (or in this case, I forced myself to read) after a long while. I just had the urge to include it on my current reads when I decided to do something to some of my pocketbooks that I haven't read at all, even after buying this. This is one of them. I got stuck in reading Chapter 3 and didn't get to continue reading this until two days ago. Yes, I decided to read this for 15 minutes a day and I only got to finish reading this today. Despite the story being 10 chapters, it's still around 128 pages so it was kind of short. But it's okay. At least I got to include a Tagalog pocketbook on my finished reading list. The story only gave me inspiration on what I was supposed to do and add on my story TLSOTE. I thought at first that it would have a lot of action scenes. But it seems that the action scene was only on the first part, when the mission was sabotaged by someone and Rosenda was forced to lie low and retreat somewhere because of the repercussions of that event. The next scenes was more on her trying to know the truth about the revelation she received from her dead mother and of course, finding that one love she never realized she'd find in that place in the middle of all she'd been trying to do while she was in that province. And since this is part of the series, there were bits of the story that wasn't given enough explanation, especially with regards to Cruize's situation right after taking Rosenda back to the U.S. It was the only thing that was unclear to me at the moment. But if I read the next books within the series, maybe I'll know. The conflict has a lot to do with internal because of the external. Did I make sense there? I mean, one of them was their jobs. Okay. So I think you already had a gist of what was going to happen. The guy's da moves can be quite endearing, in my opinion. But I don't know why I find the use of Tagalog words that were a little deep (and quite old-fashioned) than the usual ones was putting me off at times as I read along. But I kept telling to myself that this is a Tagalog pocketbook, so I was able to survive. I'm really trying my best not to write a Tagalog comment on this particular part of the entry, but it's kind of hard to do that since this is an English post.


Wow! I actually managed to compile them here. I know the comments were a little shorter than the previous ones I wrote about. But like I said, I just want to place them in one entry. Maybe I should write them down on paper first next time.

Anyway, here's to my first book reads monthly wrap-up. And honestly, I'd love it more if this isn't going to be the last time I do something like this here on my blog. I'm not going to write about the books I'm going to read for next month because if I'm going to be honest, I have no idea what to read next and I don't want to ruin any TBRs that I might come up with.

One thing I'm sure about reading next month, though, would be the 1st book on Peter Larangis' The Seven Wonders series ~ The Colossus Rises. Well, it's more of a reread as I want to write a comment about it. I sort of forgotten the plotline, that's why.

Till next time, book lovers (hardcore ones and even the not-so-hardcore ones but still loves to read from time to time).

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