Sunday, June 27, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 32 |

Late night writing this, but it's okay. So this entry will make me reach my SC entry quota for this month. Yehey! Sorry for that. I'm just glad that I reached my quota, even with the lack of proper devices to use in order for me to post entries like this here in my blog. I know that not many (if not, no one at all) read my blog. But I still like to post things here. The same way that no one reads my journal except for me, and yet I still write a lot of stuff in it. Rantings, frustrations, dreams... Things like that.

So today is the last Sunday of the month. Then again, it doesn't really make any difference to me, for some reason. Or maybe because I was still frustrated about some other stuff today that made me feel that way. In any case, let's start jotting down things for this SC entry.

Here we go!

So for this Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: "Heart Stealers # 1: Rosenda, The Heiress Thief" by Destiny. Well, actually, I just found a chance to read something in Tagalog since I finished reading "A Wrinkle In Time". I might write a book comment for the three books that I got to read this month. We'll see.
Writing: A crossover one-shot fanfic featuring Sousuke from Go-onger and Mako from Shinkenger. It's been a while since I last wrote a Sentai fanfic.

Listening: To the timer that's currently playing as part of my Pomodoro habit, as I'd like to call it. It's just the sound of the flip clock.

Thinking: Of how I wasn't able to discover this Pomodoro thing when I was dealing with writer's block-slash-burnout. This would have forced me to do what I can to achieve more, at least writing wise. Oh, well. It's not like I can actually go back and change things, right?

Smelling: My newly washed hair since I took a bath a few hours ago. It's a bad idea to take a bath late at night, I know. But sleep got the better of me. Sorry for that.

Wishing: For a new smartphone. I don't know why that even came to my mind at the moment.

Hoping: For the water to fill the tank earlier than usual tonight. It's that day again, so I guess that's one reason why I stated that.

Wearing: An orange (or was this peach?) long sleeved blouse -- which was a little loose, by the way -- and blue striped shorts. My nightwear for tonight.

Loving: The fact that I was able to do small things and taking small steps using the Pomodoro technique and one other timer meant for reading. Procrastination would still hit me more often than not. But I know I have to do my best to fight it.

Wanting: To buy a Moleskine or a Leuchttrum1917 journal notebook. Then again, I know how expensive those notebooks are, so asking for me to have one of those is next to impossible at the moment, especially for someone as broke as I am who loves journaling.

Needing: To drink more water. And yes, it's a part of the microhabit that I'd like to adapt more.

Feeling: A few aches on my shoulder and upper back. Probably because of my position as I was typing this at the moment.

Clicking: A saved template on my Canva account. One of them has something to do with this entry. Seriously, I'm really thankful that this site exists. I love it!

Wow! I actually made it. And now I have to make it a habit until I can finally write SC entries each Sunday without fail. Till the next SC entry!

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