Sunday, June 13, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 31 |

What a rainy Sunday night we have. Then again, since it was kind of hot during the day, this rain helped dropped the temperature a bit. I'm glad about that, by the way. It's a little crazy that I had the urge to actually write on this SC entry even though at one part of my mind, I don't really feel like it. Just like what happened last month. But I do intend to do majority of my goals for this month. Though it's going to be tough, I just want to finish doing this.

So let's get on with it, right?

This Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: "A Wrinkle In Time". Yes, I'm still reading that, though I only got to read a chapter and a half (from Chapter 3 up to at least the start of Chapter 4) while I was in a jeepney.

Writing: The story update for the fanfic "For Her Love This Time". I think I'm about to finish it. That is, if I don't end up falling asleep before I could stop myself.

Listening: To the "Barbie as Rapunzel" opening theme, as it was the instrumental currently playing while I'm writing this.

Thinking: Of how to increase my productivity a little bit, especially in reading books. This is the one I really struggled with, even before.

Smelling: The coffee that I'm drinking at the moment, though I'd really like it if I have a biscuit to go with it.

Wishing: For a chance to travel again. I kind of missed seeing new places and a different environment.

Hoping: To have a more "me" time without people asking me to do this and that. You know what I mean, right?

Wearing: A black sleeveless top and blue shorts. My nightwear for tonight.

Loving: The fact that I'm able to keep up with my writing goals, even though at times, it's really a struggle to me.

Wanting: To munch something as I write this, but no store is open at this hour anymore.

Needing: A massage, I guess. I've been dealing with that numbing sensation on both of my arms for days already and it's getting me scared at some point that I could lose full grip on things if this continues ― literally.

Feeling: Both scared at a thought of something that I don't want to happen and also sleepy. It's night time and I drank medicine to ease my headache a bit, so it's expected.

Clicking: On Youtube, as usual. I'm trying to find some videos to calm me down, though, other than watching HameFura or listening to Winter Whale's ambience and ASMR videos.

Wow! A second SC entry for this month. One more entry and I'd be able to reach my quota. That's nice, right? Let's see if I could do this to my other writing goals, as well.

Till the next entry!

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