Sunday, June 6, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 30 |

I didn't get to fulfill my goal last month of writing at least 2 SC entries. So let's try this month, okay? I'm still eating a late dinner as I write this. And I'd rather finish this first before writing on my journal later. Let's get on with it!

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: Nothing. Though I'm still stuck in the 3rd chapter of "A Wrinkle In Time", I still haven't made any progress at all.

Writing: The rewritten version of TLSOTE's 3rd chapter. Well, it's more of an additional scene that I decided to place that features Seiichi's memory with Kourin.

Listening: To Fujita Maiko's "Only One". But if you ask me, I love the ballad version more than the original one. Even with that, I'm glad playing "Ikemen Sengoku: Romance Across Time" made me discover this song.

Thinking: Of a way to stay awake since it's that day to do that task again. Something to eat is out of the question, though.

Smelling: The cheese ramyeon that I'm currently eating.

Wishing: I could put an end to this weird longing I'm having for something I can't even tell what.

Hoping: To save enough money to buy a new pair of slippers since the last one I used broke.

Wearing: A white sando and a pink shorts. My sleepwear for tonight.

Loving: The thought of letting the Thought Catalogs I'm writing and posting reach the one who's meant to read and understand them.

Wanting: To eat something sweet, possibly chocolate or marshmallows.

Needing: To actually take essential steps so that I'd finally stop procrastinating and get to finish what I have to finish all this time. And also, I need to keep up with it for the long term.

Feeling: Sleepy while currently enduring dysmenorrhea, so it's quite annoying, if you ask me.

Clicking: On manhwa titles I saw on Youtube. But I don't have plans on reading them, if I have to be honest. I just want to read the story teasers to know the plot. Maybe some of them could propel me to start that visual novel-like story that's been on hold for a few years already.

So that's the end of my 1st SC entry for this month. Let's see if there'd be any progress by next Sunday. Till next time!

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