Wednesday, June 9, 2021

【journal prompt】List 10 things you hope to be remembered for.

Honestly speaking, I still have no idea how to answer this one. But I'd like to try doing so.

1. A person who's creative and loves what I do.

2. A person who could read through another person's heart (though this is something I'd like to acquire ― like an empath of some sort)

3. Someone who never gave up on writing to reach to people.

4. Someone who'd do anything (good things) for the sake of the one I love.

5. Always there to rely on, not just for errands and chores.

6. Someone whose words can truly touch people's hearts, regardless of the language barrier.

7. A person who would do my best in a subtle way.

8. A person who people would love so much and is willing to help to the best of my abilities.

9. Someone who loves eating marshmallows as a way to de-stress.

10. A hopeless romantic person, and still someone logical enough about giving out the love that's meant for the person I choose to be with.

I know that some of my answers here might not make any sense. But this is me ― at least for now. And this is how I think at the moment. It might make sense to me now and would reflect my and my way of thinking. But it might not be the same in the next coming days or years. The pandemic changed my way of thinking drastically ― at least, a little drastic for my taste. So I guess it also affected how my thoughts flowed at this point.

Anyway, we'll still see what would happen in the near future, right? And it would also depend on my choices today.

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