Tuesday, January 3, 2023

So I'm 31... and I'm giving an update after a long while

It's a weird title, I know. But I've been planning to create a series of blog posts here with the starting title "So I'm 31..." somehow.

Happy New Year, everyone! How is it going? I hope you greeted the new year with big hope and lovely smiles. Well, we still don't know what the year holds for us. But even so, this is the time that we can do something to make a change to ourselves.

At least, that's what I did even before the year started. To be specific, I made a goal around the second week of December. That's why I couldn't post anything here.

That's one of the reasons, at least. The other reason is that I couldn't think of a good content to post here. It might be a lame excuse, but my mind is definitely somewhere else and I focused more on setting up my goal for this year and other things.

Let's break it down, shall we?


1. Goal for this year

2. Instagram

3. Twitter

4. Ko-fi


1. Goal for this year

I know I should've mentioned something here even before the year ended, but I never got to do so. And now, I'm doing it. I decided to seriously learn 3 languages this year. Two of them are definitely on the absolute beginner level (Korean and Spanish) and one is on the beginner level (Japanese). 

This year, I decided to finally and seriously learn Japanese and not just on the casual way. I've been doing that for over two years and so far, I could understand various amounts of words and phrases. But I want to learn more about Nihongo and I dream of actually speaking it at some point in my life. And I mean on a conversational level, at the very least.

The next two would be Korean and Spanish. I've already had interest in learning Korean before, but not that seriously, even at the height of the Hallyu Wave and K-Pop around the world. As for Spanish, I decided to learn it when I watched a trailer of the second season of Pasíon de Gavilanes. This was one of the Spanish-language series that I've watched when I was younger. Of course, the one I've watched back then was dubbed in Tagalog. In any case, watching the trailer sort of ignited my desire to learn Spanish language.

2. Instagram

Honestly, I'd like this to be one of my main social media accounts that I intend to focus on. Especially with my language learning progress and journey for this year. Of course, I might not be able to post daily. But I'd like to be active here as much as I can, especially on my personal account. I have three accounts, by the way. A personal one, a writing related one, and a random one. It's the personal and writing ones that I'd like to focus on, as I also intend to give my writer self some love and boosts, as well.

3. Twitter

I'm pretty active there, to be honest. At least, active in a way that I check it several times a day. But this time, I decided to post my daily language learning journey here. Thinking of what to post here is much easier than thinking of captions on my Instagram, to be honest. But yes, I decided to expose myself more here... in some ways.

4. Ko-fi

I've been a bad page creator and administrator. Wait, does that even sound right? Hmm... Anyway, I'm planning on posting here once a week and at some point, create contents that can be worth subscribing for or having people's support. They could be trivias, weekly diary entries (as I decided to make this page related to journaling), personal thougths on growth, etc. There's still much to plan for me in this particular part. But I'm willing to work on it.

I'd like to post many of my journeys here as a way for me to connect to various people who are also trying their best to grow into a better person. I'm still in the midst of that journey, and I'd love to hear from people who also goes through something similar in life this year.

Until then, stay safe! Love lots!

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