Sunday, February 16, 2025

about the commenters of that ongoing anime

Honestly, I think it's for the best that I rant here than there (the Youtube channel where 'that' anime is airing and posted). This is also one reason why I kept reminding myself not to look at comments in each episode since it would only piss me off.

I'd rather not mention the anime I'm taking about. It's up to you to guess it. But here's my short thoughts on this.

I never read the manga adaptation of it, since I'm not a manga reader. Unless I really want to read it. But here's something I'm sure of. That anime was following closely to the web novel version of it — the original, so to speak. End of the story. And I don't care if the rest of them don't like it. I love it so far and was not disappointed.

A lot of people were complaining that the anime skipped a lot from the manga. Then again, I wouldn't know since, like I mentioned, I never read it. So my only basis was the web novel version from the original site. Of course, I know that if I would comment on that on the site, I would obviously receive some backslash or something. I don't know. I wasn't planning on risking that.

Of course, more often than not, anime adaptations will be different from its preceding adaptations (manga and light novel). Why are they still complaining when it happens most of the time? Besides, they're basically doing it for their Japanese viewers and the fans of the original works. Not the international fans. It's been like that for a long time. And I'm pretty sure that the author of the original work has given his👌on the project. There will always be differences between each adaptations and you can't do anything about it. So don't insist on what you want. They will follow what they want and you can't do anything about that.

Okay. I had enough ranting done for today. Better not ruin my day any further by other people who thought they knew better than the production team and the author.

*inhale... exhale* Honestly, I haven't done something like that in a long while.

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