Friday, October 1, 2021

【book comment】The Colossus Rises (Seven Wonders # 1)

Blurb (from Goodreads):
 One Boy

Jack McKinley is an ordinary kid with an extraordinary problem. In a few months, he’s going to die.

One Mission

Jack needs to find seven magic loculi that, when combined, have the power to cure him.

One Problem

The loculi are the relics of a lost civilization and haven’t been seen in thousands of years.

Seven Wonders

Because they’re hidden in the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World.

This is a bit late for a review/comment. Sorry for that. This is actually more of a re-read since I forgot the plot of this story and I like to write a book comment on this one. By the way, I'm writing this while waiting for my sister to finish her dental check-up/tooth extraction and also waiting for my turn.

We got one heck of an adventure here, right? Involving Atlantis and the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World... These are the topics that fascinated me for quite a long time. I guess, what most of us were. So could you say that anything related to ancient history and civilizations fascinated me in a great deal. And actually creating a historical fiction/adventure story like this, then count me in on reading that. Even for my age of 30, I still love reading this kind of stories. Maybe you could say I'm still a kid at heart.

Okay. Sorry. We're straying from the real topic here. So there's a lot of scientific terms here that at times, it's kind of hard to follow up. But yeah, their simple explanation makes up for it, somehow. And finding the Loculi, releasing the griffin from the seal (or was that called a griffin?) and I guess Jack became the chosen when he pulled out that sword. Arthurian reference here, anyone? Guess not. Okay, I'm not making any sense here, I guess.

But for thirteen years old, this sort of adventure is quite farfetched to me, regardless of the reasons. In this case, they had no choice but to deal with it if they wanted to live longer and get past the age of fourteen without actually dying because of that genetic marker that they had. Things were just starting to get harder for the rest of the Select gang (as I'd like to call it) because of what Marco did in the end. I mean, seriously, Marco? What the heck is going on with your brain right now? Did you really have to do that? But of course, I had a bit of suspicion about him in the middle of the journey. Or maybe not just there. Even though I read this a few years back already, I can recall feeling that way about Marco, for some reason.

Okay. Maybe I'm reacting quite weird with regards to what happened last. In any case, the search for more Loculi had just began and it's definitely a race against life and time on this one. I still haven't started reading the second book after this, but perhaps I'd be able to find time. I have to keep up with my reading challenge, after all. Right now, I'm just glad I got to re-read this.

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