Sunday, October 17, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 36 |

Okay. I know it's been such a long time since I posted my last SC entry here. Even though I even have such alarm on my phone reminding me about it, I still haven't been able to write most of them. But tonight, I've got to change it a bit since I don't want to leave my October kind of bare, I guess. Yes, I know. I placed book comments there. But I'd like to add a new one.

Or at least that's what I think.

In any case, here I am again. It's going to be a little short. Then again, since when did I make a long SC entry, anyway?

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: "The Clue In The Diary" which was the 7th book in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. At least, this is what I currently focused on reading.

Writing: Besides this and my journal? Additional chapters for the first volume of TLSOTE. Yes, they're new ones that I haven't been able to place here at all before. I don't know why I kept extending this story this way, anyway. Then again, it's a story that I couldn't find myself completely letting go.

Listening: To "Stay Beautiful" by Taylor Swift. It's what currently plays on my playlist.

Thinking: Of reasons why I kept doing this late these past days.

Smelling: The Vicks I placed on my nose just to ease my breathing a bit. I still have runny nose until now even though more than a week had already passed.

Wishing: For my intended manifestations to come true.

Hoping: To get a good sleep after this task that I'm assigned to do.

Wearing: A long-sleeved nightwear top and a shorts with Snoopy designs. It's night time and I just finished bathing, that's why.

Loving: The dark chocolate snack I'm eating at the moment and the fact that I could write this entry again.

Wanting: A new set of pet stick notes and some cutely designed washi tapes. I don't know why.

Needing: Some food supplements and possibly more vitamins.

Feeling: A little sleepy but I have to keep myself awake because of my task tonight.

Clicking: On video reactions again. And also journaling-related videos.

Well, I guess it really is just short, huh? At the very least, I'm quite glad that I got to write this one. Till next time!

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