Sunday, October 31, 2021

【personal thoughts】The Sunday Currently | 37 |

Yes, I'm aware that I've missed a Sunday again after posting the last SC entry. So here I am, back again to fill up a second SC entry for October. And to think it's the last day of the month. I still have a lot to write about and I just finished writing on my journal, in which I decided to add a rolling weekly spread on it as a trial. So I might as well get on with this, right?

So this Sunday, I'm currently:

Reading: "The Message In The Hollow Oak", which is the 12th book in the Nancy Drew Mystery Stories. You know, I have this feeling that I might do another Nancy Drew re-reading marathon next month if this keeps up.

Writing: A one-shot fanfic featuring Nagi/Fuuka pair from Ninninger. It's been a while since I last wrote a one-shot. And then there's also a new chapter that I'd add to the first volume of "The Last Sky Of The Earth".

Listening: To the Thai song "One Hundred Billion Minutes" by Push Puttichai, with Bell Supol as the original singer. It's what currently plays on my playlist as I write this.

Of taking a nap for a while as I wait for the task I got to do tonight to start. Yup, it's really hard for me to concentrate, at this point.

Smelling: The scent of fabric conditioner spread around since they sprayed it all over to get rid of the awful smell from a while back.

Wishing: To have a new smartphone right away just for me to be able to download and install the apps I'd like to use again.

Hoping: To be able to form a study habit so I could learn Thai steadily as possible.

Wearing: An olive green knitted (?) skirt and lavender shirt. My night wear for tonight.

Loving: The new bright light I have since I finally got to replace the broken bulb on my lamp.

Wanting: To eat a blueberry cheesecake, all of a sudden.

Needing: To stay alert since I have a task to finish tonight.

Feeling: A little lonely -- at least on the romantic aspect. I don't know why I started feeling that way.

Clicking: On reaction videos with regards to the episodes of "A Tale of Thousand Stars". Possibly an indication that I still can't get over this series.

...and there you have it. I know it's short. Then again, since when a Sunday Currently entry was written longer than they intended it to be? See you next month, I guess.

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