Thursday, October 21, 2021

【journal prompt】Who is someone you'd like to treat better?

I would say... myself. Was that selfish of me as an answer? I don't know. But this is my immediate answer as soon as I saw the prompt. It's probably because I kind of forced or programmed myself (in this case, unknowingly) to respond to other people's orders only because I'm just here at home and unemployed. Due to the sense of "utang na loob" (debt of gratitude) and the lack of other ways to contribute to them, I ended up doing chores (at least most of them) and errands for them. Yes, I'm feeling bitter about it. But at this point, I can't help feeling that way.

I'd like to experience being able to do something solely for me and not for them. No errands, no favors, doing things on my own pace, no one to call my name just to do this and that. Was it too much to ask? At the moment, I can only sigh.

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