Friday, July 14, 2023

【personal thoughts】Life Updates Since My Last Post

Hi, guys! Welcome back to my blog!

It’s a mess… My weeks recently have been such a mess that it actually ruined my concentration in writing more often than I intended to. I know I haven’t posted here for many days and to be honest, I have no proper excuse for that. It’s either I was lazy, I forgot or I couldn’t force myself to write anything at all.

Lame excuses to some. But I’ve been having a writing rut during those days (maybe even weeks that I haven’t updated. The more I force myself, the words that would come out would feel like crap to me.

Many people would say that it’s okay, that things would get better. And honestly, I believe that. But at the back of my mind, everything feels like crap. It only gave me more dissatisfaction. After that, it would frustrate the heck out of me. It’s crazy!

In any case, let’s go back to the topic of life update: