Saturday, March 1, 2025

【silent vlog】escaping for a bit

Going to the beach in February? Yup, that's definitely new to us. But I can understand the reason, though. And if you live in Baguio whenever there would be festivals or occasions, you know the issue that I'm talking about. 

Saturday, February 22, 2025

【episode comment】from bureaucrat to villainess episode 7

So I just watched the 7th episode. And finally, the Magic Exhibition started. But before that, we finally see Grace's father. I didn't think that changing the surname of the husband after marriage is possible in a medieval style world. I only know this tradition in a Japanese marriage, especially when the woman was from a prestigious family or when the woman's family doesn't have a male heir or something. So they adopt the woman's husband through marriage. I'm not sure how the system on that actually works. So I can't explain it fully.

I guess there are some insecure fathers out there, huh? In fiction and in reality, we see them. At least, Kenzaburo was able to understand him, parent to parent. Sure, they have different styles. But they're still a parent to their respective daughters. They just tend to show love to their children in different ways.

As for the Magic Exhibition, I love it. At least they were able to showcase those spells and skills to the students like that. I love that Hinako was really following through the game, even when she wanted to communicate with her dad badly other than controlling Grace's familiar, Orion. I also love the fact that due to Orion's two elemental attributes, Grace can be both the star of the exhibition (with Anna's wind magic supporting her fire magic) and a support (with her water magic supporting Anna's wind magic). And the funny thing was that Kenzaburo finally realized the raising affection points of the characters around her meant for Grace. The face he and Grace had in the end... πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

All in all, I still love this episode. πŸ˜ŠπŸ’•✌️

Friday, February 21, 2025

【episode comment】no. 1 sentai gozyuger episode 1: savior no. 1!

Well, that's a good start. For me, I guess. I just can't believe it took me one week before I got to finish watching this. But since I was watching other shows and also doing something else, I guess I ended up forgetting it. Sorry.

It's sad to think that one of the characters never has a wish for himself other than the necessity to live. At least, if you actually call Hoeru's way of living as... loving. Not having a wish sort of negates every reason one has to thrive in the world. That could also be the reason why he doesn't last in any of his part time jobs.

I just noticed at some point throughout the Super Senta franchise that it became common for the team to be separated first before joining and becoming one team. I mean, that's great. I don't mind it. But it looks like it was adding too many tensions with each other. Maybe that was the purpose of it.

Apart from the rare scenes in the middle of the series and the final battles, this was the first time I've seen the main warrior fight monsters without their suits and helmets in the first episode. And as someone pointed out online, the suit inside Tega Sword mecha (or is that how you call it?) looked a lot like that of Kibaranger. Was that intentional and part of the plan or... just something?

And yes... that appearance from the actor of Boon Red. Though sad to say, I haven't watched Boonboomger at all. So I can't say anything more about it. Maybe I will some other time. Now back to the topic. I can understand Natsume's frustration about what Hoeru managed to acquire despite not having a dream — especially acquiring the Ring Pact. Even in reality, there are people who seemed to have no dreams or passion and yet, still goes to show to the world that they could do it. Then again, there is a time and place to show that frustration. At this point, it might take some realization before Hoeru could even understand Natsume about the source of his frustration.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

【episode comment】i left my a-rank party to help my former students reach the dungeon depths! episode 6

Well, that was nuts! At least for Simon and his party members — with the exception of Jamie. I mean, he literally dug his own grave and that of his party members for doing that. I mean, come on! Was that how high he thinks of himself that he doesn't even know how to self-reflect on his actions? Or he was just plain stupid?

Yup. Maybe the latter. Anyway, who cares? I knew (at least from the web novel version) that he would meet his "eternal" doom, anyway. You'll find out what I was talking about once we get to that part of the story.

But seriously, this is one crazy episode. And a big round of applause to the Guildmaster. He was one scary guy. Then again, aren't most guildmasters like that?

Clover took a step (finally) to conquering — or not — the very dungeon that has been Yuke's goal to reach for so long. The Anachromatic Darkness. Or in the web novel, it was referred as the Colorless Darkness. Of course, I know they meant the same. At least, he wasn't doing it by himself this time. His party members were there. Plus, they had a new member. Honestly, I pictured Nene as much less of a talker while reading the web novel version. She has a sort of withdrawn personality there (just a little). But in this anime, she was talking a little too much. Then again, it's okay. I don't mind.

Honestly, I'm pretty sure that the next episode would feature the appearance of that certain goddess. Then after that, Thunder Pike was about to make another bout of stupidity just to get back at Yuke and the rest of Clover members.

Okay, I'd better stop here before I spoil too much. Remember, I never read the manga cersion. Just the web novel version — and I'm still fine with that.

Monday, February 17, 2025

【episode comment】the wheel of time season 1 episode 1

I was supposed to do this yesterday as soon as I finished watching it. But I got held back by other activities I prefer doing. That, and I was still trying to process what I watched. I'm going to be honest here, I havent't read the books at all. So doing this will possibly give me a different perspective on the story.

This episode was intense for a first episode. Then again, aren't most first episodes like that? I wasn't interested in the romance, as sad as that sounds. But the action and the setting was amazing. Of course, I can't forget Moiraine's magic. The effects on that... I love it.

The first half was a bit slow for me. But I wonder what happened to that other guy that the women in red (were they the Red Ajah?) were chasing. He just vanished, for some reason. Or maybe I wasn't paying attention on that. I don't know. But that blonde woman... I don't like her.

One thing to note about this is that I'm not familiar with the actors and actresses here except for one — Daniel Henney. As for the rest, sorry. I know most (or some) of them are veterans in the industry already. But sorry. I haven't watched too many dramas/series and movies that featured them, anyway. So for now, it might take me some time to familiarize myself with most of the casts and instead, just engage myself with the storyline.

Whether or not it would follow the book series' storyline for the most part, I have no idea. At the moment, I'll treat it as a separate adaptation. I think that would be better.

Sunday, February 16, 2025

【personal thoughts】about the commenters of that ongoing anime

Honestly, I think it's for the best that I rant here than there (the Youtube channel where 'that' anime is airing and posted). This is also one reason why I kept reminding myself not to look at comments in each episode since it would only piss me off.

I'd rather not mention the anime I'm taking about. It's up to you to guess it. But here's my short thoughts on this.

I never read the manga adaptation of it, since I'm not a manga reader. Unless I really want to read it. But here's something I'm sure of. That anime was following closely to the web novel version of it — the original, so to speak. End of the story. And I don't care if the rest of them don't like it. I love it so far and was not disappointed.

A lot of people were complaining that the anime skipped a lot from the manga. Then again, I wouldn't know since, like I mentioned, I never read it. So my only basis was the web novel version from the original site. Of course, I know that if I would comment on that on the site, I would obviously receive some backslash or something. I don't know. I wasn't planning on risking that.

Of course, more often than not, anime adaptations will be different from its preceding adaptations (manga and light novel). Why are they still complaining when it happens most of the time? Besides, they're basically doing it for their Japanese viewers and the fans of the original works. Not the international fans. It's been like that for a long time. And I'm pretty sure that the author of the original work has given hisπŸ‘Œon the project. There will always be differences between each adaptations and you can't do anything about it. So don't insist on what you want. They will follow what they want and you can't do anything about that.

Okay. I had enough ranting done for today. Better not ruin my day any further by other people who thought they knew better than the production team and the author.

*inhale... exhale* Honestly, I haven't done something like that in a long while.

Friday, February 14, 2025

【silent vlog】a day in the hospital

Okay. The title can be misleading, but it's not about something bad, okay? I just can't think of a proper title. In this vlog, by the way, I decided to use one of Inshot's newest features — AI speech. I think this is something good for anyone who still don't have the confidence to speak in front of the camera or even record myself speaking. Just like me. Then again, it remains to be seen. But I'd still like to do something about that problem one of these days.

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

【personal thoughts】random thought on a midday

So Boonboomger is done...

...and it just added to my list of Super Sentai series that I haven't watched after Ryusoulger.

Why did I stop? Definitely not because I don't like it anymore. That much I can tell.

Was it the characters? I'm sure it's not the plot. But something was definitely stopping me from watching Sentai the same way as before. I just couldn't tell what.

Anyway, we'll see if Gozyuger will change that for me. Or maybe I should just start watching the other series without any thought of other things.

  1. Lupinranger VS Patranger (I know this was shown after Kyuranger, but I seriously haven't watched this at all)
  2. Kiramager
  3. Zenkaiger
  4. Donbrothers
  5. King-ohger
  6. Boonboomger
Now if I were to consider the number of episodes on each of these series... THAT'S A LOT OF EPISODES TO WATCH. And don't say that each episode is short. I know that. But the amount of episodes is still overwhelming for me. Should I do it 1 episode every day? Just so I can catch up?

I really need to do something about this.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

【silent vlog】an unexpected saturday

I have a lot to talk about in each of my vlog, to be honest. But it's not easy to do that when all I want is just record a few clips enough to reach one minute or so. Even with that, I still want to continue doing this while showing parts of my life in my 30s. There's no reason for me to lie about my age, though. Maybe that would deter you from watching this. Then again, this is my real life.

Friday, February 7, 2025

【silent vlog】life and writing mixing up

Life makes me crazy most of the time. So my writings were the ones with enough power to keep me sane. Of course, even life gets in the way multiple times. Not that I can help it, actually.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

【episode comment】from bureaucrat to villainess episode 4

Okay! Beast Summoning, everyone! Or should I call it hatching beasts from its egg? Okay, that was a weird term to use. Anyway, I was curious about the egg's purpose when it first appeared in Episode 1. So it was supposed to be for this particular purpose.

This was where it really took a really weird turn. I mean, a chibi Kenzaburo and a chibi Grace came out of that egg? What the heck was that? I didn't think of it that way when I saw the preview before. I was thinking maybe along the lines of strange creature or something rare. Then the screen that popped up, for some reason. And two hands coming out of it that merged those two chibi figures to later become an Ancient Dragon with two elemental attributes. A very rare feat to witness and achieve, according to them. Not to mention, the elements involved were two opposing ones — fire and water. But I guess that's the lore of that game world. They might provide an explanation to that at some point. Who knows?

The one question that kept popping up was about the screen and the hands that showed up. I mean, did the other students saw that? They were all surprised, but did they all see the same thing or only Grace saw the screen and the hands?

Okay, so that's how the first half went.

The second half was back in Kenzaburo's world where we saw what happened to him after his accident. It was good to know that he wasn't dead, but he was in a coma. That would, in a way, explain why his mind was off in some place, wandering around. And his family finally figured it out! Now they can actually see what was happening to Kenzaburo while he was in the game and while theyr were waiting for him to wake up from his coma.

Now I have a feeling that the next episode would be crazier than ever.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Saturday, January 25, 2025

【episode comment】from bureaucrat to villainess episode 3

This was more focused on the student council since both Grace and Anna were a part of it now. My gosh! The guys seriously have their quirks. I mean, okay. I guess that's a given. But some of those quirks were just... strange to me.

And honestly, those quirks made it even more amusing since it would become a way for them to see Grace in a different light. Wait, did I explain it correctly? Not sure if I made any sense on that one.

And of course, this episode gave focus on Kenzaburo's abacus, which was shown in the previous episode that Grace asked the craftsman to make for her. I think a lot of the calculations in that world were done mentally — which can be exhausting, in my opinion. At least, it became a way for Lambert to interact with Anna without that tension. Or was it the other way around? I just recalled that it was Grace who taught Anna how to use the abacus.

This is still a good episode for me, overall — even though the length of my comment doesn't reflect it. 😁✌️

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

【silent vlog】what's happening lately

Hi, everyone! At the moment, I think I'm going to have to keep up with posting videos once a week, just until I can get back to the usual groove of things in which I can post almost every day. I don't want to overwhelm myself with a high expectation of doing this every single day, unless I can really do it.

Monday, January 20, 2025

【episode comment】i left my a-rank party to help my former students reach the dungeon depths episode 2

The formation of the team went well. And of course, not everyone would be happy with that. Little by little, people notices Clover because of what Yuke did. Then again, it was obvious that some people would still not see it as a good thing.

Two examples: Thunder Pike and Besio Valas.

Two examples of idiots who thought they were all too good when in reality, they suck to the core. Idiots who seem to be too full of themselves to even accept that even when it hits them in the face. Yup, these people do need a hard core reality check. But if I were to base it on what I read on the web novel version, they never did. So... I'll leave it at that.

Now one challenge showed up in the form of the Zarnag. Really scary, if you ask me. But they did their best to fight it. The one thing I was anticipating to see was the effect of Prismatic Missile that Yuke cast in the end on that monster. I know that it couldn't kill, but I'd still like to see how it looks like in the anime version.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

【episode comment】from bureaucrat to villainess episode 2

A glimpse of Kenzaburo's life before reincarnating was refreshing, to say the least. Most of the time, isekai stories don't usually do that. Or if they do, it's like a one and done. You know what I mean?

And now, both Grace and Anna became a part of the student council — headed by the Crown Prince, of course. Then again, meeting the other members only added potential "trouble" for Grace, in my opinion, since a lot of what she was doing and what she was saying would add affection points on the other characters towards HER — the supposed villainess. In his opinion, that wasn't supposed to happen. Of course, he wasn't aware of the fact that it was aimed towards her and not Anna the supposed protagonist. Crazy, huh?

One funny thing to me that reminds me of myself at times — Kenzaburo can't remember names. I also can't remember names unless they're names from one of the stories I was writing/planning to write. At times, I can remember names but I can't recall their faces or the other way around. Well, if they have names that are hard to pronounce and spell, even that would confuse me.

The one thing that fascinated me about this episode was the introduction of the magic system and the way they cast spells. I mean, the moment that Kenzaburo figured out that he can use Kanji as a way to cast spells with the help of the magic circle, it definitely reminded me of Shinkenger.

Yes, I did watch that Sentai series, just so you know. In fact, this was the series that made me watch the other ones in the franchise after only remembering that I watched the Tagslog dubbed version of Bioman and Maskman when I was a kid. But that was a long, long time ago.

All I can say, Grace (Kenzaburo) managed to work it out. And then there was also a glimpse of who Grace actually was before her personality changed to that of a villainess. I think it made me connect to her in some way because time and sometimes, the things that we learn to survive the world change the inner child in us and hide it completely. I just want to see Grace return to that curious, caring child that she once was when this whole ordeal is over.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

【silent vlog】about what i'm writing # 1

It's been a week (or more) since I posted anything here. Maybe I should make it a habit to post a video at least once a week, huh? That way, I can still be consistent. In any case, I decided to start doing this since I am a writer. I noticed that I rarely talked about the stories I've been writing and still writing. This is the start of it as I plan to talk about one story at a time, even if I have to do it in a short video. I know majority of those upcoming videos would be more or less under a minute. Then again, that's how I'd like to do it. 😁✌️

Monday, January 13, 2025

【episode comment】i left my a-rank party to help my former students reach the dungeon depths episode 1

Obviously, it's the start. And good thing, too, for Yuke when he finally decided to part ways with the rest of his partymates who don't really see his worth. They were just a bunch of arrogant fools and overbearing idiots, anyway. Not worth spending your life dealing with them.

So I wasn't surprised that they also didn't know that Yuke once teached upcoming adventurers. And now they started forming a team, with him as a new member. I think the difference I noticed between the anime and the web novel version was the spell. There was more spell incantation recited in the anime (and there was an actual incantation) compared to the web novel version. Then again, I could only assume that the spells in the web novel version was using a different (probably ancient) language that it might let the author end up creating a new language just for the spells. That's going to be hard. But I liked both versions, don't worry.

So far, it's going well for me. And I would definitely add this to my ongoing anime to continue watching.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

【episode comment】from bureaucrat to villainess episode 1

This is just short since I don't intend to make a long comment on this. My brain doesn't work that way at the moment.

So here we are. The start of the series, of course.

I did find this anime weird, at first, when I saw the trailer on Youtube (but not watched it). But I changed my mind when I continued on watching. It was funny. Not to mention, I've never seen anything like this before. A middle-aged man in a body of a woman. I mean, I did read something similar — but it was the other way around. A working woman died in a car accident and reincarnated as the extremely 7th Prince in another world. But I won't delve too much into that right now.

Kenzaburo was truly an amazing dad that supports his daughter's otaku moments. Kind of makes me envious on that department for a personal reason, though. The one I found amusing was his Elegant Cheat whenever his actions become something he would categorized as plebian. He does analyze things a lot, so majority of his monologues were interesting to see. And yes, he still can't stop being a parent even when he was inhabiting the body of a 15-year-old woman.

Overall, it was a good start for me.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

【silent vlog】in saying the words

I guess I won't be able to do daily posting as much as I want to. But I still want to do this on a weekly basis. Maybe 2-3 videos in a week. That's doable, right? The words I placed in the video was the question that came up to me while doing this particular walk heading to town. I said to myself that I want to include that in my silent vlog at some point, so I did my best to remember it. To be honest, I still don't know how to properly answer that. Maybe it's a lifetime learning process that I should try emulating or knowing over and over.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

【silent vlog】first 2025 journal entry

I was only able to record one video yesterday since most of what I did was to sleep to make up for the lack of it past midnight after the commotion of the New Year died down. Wait, should I really call it a commotion instead of a celebration? Anyway, this was just a timelapsed version of me writing my first entry for 2025 in my journal last night. I mean, I still want to post here as consistently as I can. Not to mention, this is what my night usually looks like.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

【silent vlog】should i or should i not?

Happy New Year! I hope all of you watching (and even those that aren't watching) were able to welcome the brand new year with hope, confidence, and determination.

This is a crazy attempt on this silent vlog, that's for sure. But you know, this could possibly help me with my language learning goals. So yes, I'm open to corrections and any pointers on the (obviously) Google-translated transcripts below the usual English ones I'd put. I want to be able to learn more about the language this way. I want to take it slow, and without putting too much pressure on myself while learning Japanese.