Thursday, October 23, 2014

【poem】All I Can Remember

Inside my head, there's a nearly fading memory
of all the past that once happened to me.
It's fading slowly as years came rolling by,
like a little bird that is eager to fly.

New memories keep on being created and born
while others had disappeared, being blotted and torn.
No matter how much I wanted to recall,
my mind can't go up to where it's started to fall.

I want to picture everything in my mind;
every memories and scenes that I could able to find.
Happiness and sadness, including laughter and cries.
It's always these emotions that no one buys.

But as these memories slowly fade away,
one keeps on standing out as I start my day.
It's your face and smile and the way you treated me.
That's what my mind more often wanted to see.

It's my day with you, that's all I can remember,
starting from January and extending till December.
If the wings of my memories had been blown away,
my memories with you will surely cling on and stay.

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