Sunday, June 30, 2019

The Sunday Currently # 24

So I'm writing this at quarter to midnight and I just realized that my last Sunday Currently entry was a year ago—specifically, June 17. Yup, it's been that long and I don't really have any excuse for that.

Anyway, here I go.

Since I had been writing on my journal since June 14 (?) of this year, I thought that I should be dedicated in posting here, as well. I'll try, but to be honest, I'm still unsure if I could do it.

In any case, let's start.

So this Sunday, I'm currently...

Saturday, June 29, 2019

Book Comment: "Hidden City Series # 1: Lost In The Shadows" by Kyra Wheatley

In any case, I am finally done reading this book after weeks of doing so bits by bits since I got busy with other things. And to think I decided to actually for this book after playing the game version of this story. I've always like playing hidden objects games similar to Hidden City. But more so about hidden object games with a storyline. Though the book version and the game version had MCs with different backgrounds about how they got into the City, the places and possibly the items indicated are the same.

From the time I discovered that there is a book version of the game, I really had the urge to complete it and read it. Unfortunately, I only got two out of five books in this series. In any case, I guess I'll be able to find a way to have the other books.

So in this book, the MC named Nicole was able to go to the City (rather by force) with what appears to have something to do with her missing grandmother's necklace and several visions that she couldn't fathom the origin at the time.

Regardless of the character names and other changes, I still find this book fascinating as I was able to see—at least in my head—what it's like to have an adventure in the mysterious City. From the shadows, the places, and the items that appeared in both the game and the book, everything really made me feel as if I was transported there like Nicole.

The first book was short (if you only consider the number of chapters) since this only have 8 chapters, but each chapters were long. Almost like a 254 pages novel. Or maybe that's just what I think, though. But this book definitely left me in a major cliffhanger. For real. The kind that makes you want to read the next book already to know what happens next. But then again, I have to focus first on my other currently reading book list.

Anyway, this is my short review—if you can actually call this a proper review. Hopefully, I could finally read the next book soon.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

【personal thoughts】My Final College School Article

Before I graduated in college, I wrote this small article about our field trip last February 16-17, 2015. This was the second article I wrote for our school newspaper that time. Sadly, I never got my own copy so I have no idea what the final output of the article in the newspaper looked like. I would’ve taken a picture. I also haven’t been able to take pictures of the aforementioned places concerning the two groups. So most of what I’ve mentioned here was from my own experience and a few verbal accounts from the students of the other departments who also went to the field trip.

All in all, even though it was just a short trip, it was fulfilling for me since I don’t get to go out of the town that much. I really wish I could still find some time to travel even just here in the Philippines. I’d do my best to ignore the scorching heat if I would really be given another chance to travel outside Baguio.

Anyway, this wasn’t an article written by a professional so I’m sure you’d find mistakes, especially in the structure of the article. Even still, I hope you’d enjoy reading this one! You can probably think of this as just a blog entry rather than an article for a school newspaper. I think that’s for the best.