Sunday, September 15, 2019

【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 1

So instead of writing an entry on my journal like the usual, I decided to do it here since my head is aching and I can't write anything at this point. Not to mention that I'm already sleepy and typing this down will be my last task for the night (or midnight since it's 12:02 AM here already).

Though I have to be honest, I have no idea what to type down here. I'm basically clueless since nothing much had happened today—at least if it's about my day. Or should I consider going out of the house and heading to town for the first time in a while as something different? Well, considering the weeks of rainfall even though it's September already, going out of the house after a while of not doing so is indeed something different.

At the moment, my head and my arm is aching while listening to a Japanese songs playlist. In particular, it's titled 『恵みの雨』 by Alan Dawa Dolma. And speaking of Japanese, I'm not sure if it's a good idea installing 4 language learning apps on my phone. But for some reason, I really want to up my game in learning the Japanese language. Well, let's see if it will pay off, as long as I keep practicing using these apps.

What else? Oh, I finally finished posting Alexis' story on Wattpad after a long while. I guess I also have to up my game in writing since I have a lot of pending ones. I know that it'll take a while for me to complete them all. But I'll do my best. At the moment, I'm thinking of which story between Hope From Love's Memories and Shrouded Flowers should I focus on writing next. And I mean I have to stick to that story until it's finished.


Anyway, I'll end this entry here for now since my head really aches and that means it's time for me to sleep. Good night...


잘 자요...

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