Monday, June 8, 2020

Who inspires you most in life?

A lot of people inspires me to do my best, to be at my best. Yes, even when I can't do a thing to surpass my procrastination and laziness to actually do my best to pursue what I have to do or at least finish a task.

But if I have to pick one... I would say it's a Filipino comedian named Wally Bayola.

Yup, I was watching AlDub Kalyeserye when I was able to recall this part of the people who gives me inspiration.

Well, I could've named someone else, especially those people close to me as my inspiration. But I could feel that, intensely, there was something missing that I couldn't figure out why.

Weird, huh?

As for the reason why I picked this comedian of all people, it's because of AlDub ー to be specific, his character as Lola Nidora. I still can't believe until now that such an amazing character would keep on having an effect on most of the things I do and the thoughts I have.

Right now, I think I would need a reminder of the person I know I should be, but ended up forgetting in the long run.

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