- Ralnor finally gaining the power of the Four Colored Flames that no one in his faction had ever achieved.
- Renna will end up unintentionally killing someone close to her because of her rage over the deaths of her family.
- Elyon inheriting one of the five mystical blades created by the ancient Power Casters who were now figures of worship in the Cloud Dimension.
Monday, September 23, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 17: Superlatives Day 3 - WIP's most likely to succeed
Elred and Lyra were both aiming to reach one thing—to end the curse that could kill them in an instant. When the others discovered this, they made it a part of their great mission to help these two in their quest. With that, and their desire to live longer than what the curse in their bodies had intended them to live, more or less, they'll find it really fulfilling if the goal they wanted to reach for a long time would be finally within their reach.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Sunday, September 15, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 15: Superlatives Day 1 - WIP's class clown.
Navarre wasn't the trickster of the recruited Cloudbreakers just for the heck of it. He would make everyone smile and laugh as best as he could, soon earning him their affection despite their differences. But at one point, someone from the team actually noticed that this powerful mechanical lifeform was trying his best to make everyone happy in order to hide the frustration he had been dealing with because of his own faction forbidding him to fully use his true powers as a Power Caster.
【personal thoughts】Contemplations Not Written On Journal # 1
So instead of writing an entry on my journal like the usual, I decided to do it here since my head is aching and I can't write anything at this point. Not to mention that I'm already sleepy and typing this down will be my last task for the night (or midnight since it's 12:02 AM here already).
Though I have to be honest, I have no idea what to type down here. I'm basically clueless since nothing much had happened today—at least if it's about my day. Or should I consider going out of the house and heading to town for the first time in a while as something different? Well, considering the weeks of rainfall even though it's September already, going out of the house after a while of not doing so is indeed something different.
At the moment, my head and my arm is aching while listening to a Japanese songs playlist. In particular, it's titled 『恵みの雨』 by Alan Dawa Dolma. And speaking of Japanese, I'm not sure if it's a good idea installing 4 language learning apps on my phone. But for some reason, I really want to up my game in learning the Japanese language. Well, let's see if it will pay off, as long as I keep practicing using these apps.
What else? Oh, I finally finished posting Alexis' story on Wattpad after a long while. I guess I also have to up my game in writing since I have a lot of pending ones. I know that it'll take a while for me to complete them all. But I'll do my best. At the moment, I'm thinking of which story between Hope From Love's Memories and Shrouded Flowers should I focus on writing next. And I mean I have to stick to that story until it's finished.Hmm...
Anyway, I'll end this entry here for now since my head really aches and that means it's time for me to sleep. Good night...おやすみなさい。。。
잘 자요...Saturday, September 14, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 14: Mid-month check in.
I'm still forming more scenarios that I post here in a form of photo edits between two characters. But it's just that. Scenarios. I haven't used any of the scenarios in the story the time I started writing this story on paper and haven't had a chance to post it online just yet. But I want to proceed pass through that and I'll do my best for that to happen. By the way, this photo edit would be added as one of the scenarios for the story, possibly about one of the battles that Miho and Hatsue would encounter in Cloud Dimension.
Friday, September 13, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 13: Friday the 13th! Does your MCs have any bad luck?
Yup, I know. I deliberately missed Day 12. But I have my reasons. For now, here's my Day 13 post and it's about bad luck. If I were to base it on Hatsue and Miho's expressions here, they still don't know if they have one, anyway. Sure, they had some miss on getting their own streak of luck from time to time, but there wasn't any worse ones. Both of them are positive people and it reflected on their beliefs and actions. And they both knew that having faith and hope can do its wonders to counter bad luck.
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 10: Military in your WIP!
The closest we'll ever get for the Cloud Dimension's military force would be the 12 Cloudbreakers recruited and personally handpicked by Zelross in an attempt to finally end the dispute of all 12 Power Caster factions. Upon the arrival of Miho and Hatsue as the prophecied Daughters of Light, this team will be the dimension's final hope to achieve peace.
Monday, September 9, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 9: #MoodboardMonday!
My Monday was filled with nothing but rain—for real. It didn't even stop falling for a minute or so. They just kept on falling. Anyway, with that, I ended up thinking of scenes about rain involving Miho and Hatsue with their respective significant others that they inadvertently left on Earth because of them being chosen to save the Cloud Dimension.
Sunday, September 8, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 8: Favorite dark and mysterious characters?
I'm choosing two for this one, both of which had tried to kill Miho and Hatsue in several occasions. But both girls noticed something peculiar about these warriors that tried to kill them. Anyway, I'm choosing Arcail (Itou Asahi) and Yaron (Ozawa Ryota) as my favorites. The peculiarity that the Daughters of Light noticed about these two is actually one reason why they are my favorite mysterious characters. Not entirely dark, but the fact that they were after Miho and Hatsune was what made them dangerous in more ways than one. But each of them seemed to have been holding an item, each were representing something important from the past they've chosen to forget all this time.
Saturday, September 7, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 7: Character Q & A Day One
What are your initial thoughts upon realizing that you two were prophecied to become the savior of a world you never knew existing?
Friday, September 6, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 6: Last book that ripped your heart out.
Most of the books I've read recently were light-hearted or heart-stopping, to say the least. But not enough to make me feel as if my heart was ripped out. And by far, the only book that I remember doing this to me was the classic Nicholas Sparks novel—"A Walk To Remember". And with that, I had a feeling that I'd be incorporating a particular tear-jerker scene from this book to the story of Renna and her involvement with two skilled Power Casters Garion and Elorshin who knew about her deadly mission and her tragic fate.
Thursday, September 5, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 5: Insert yourself into your WIP. Where do you fit?
I could see myself in the story of DCG as a wanderer, a traveler in the Cloud Dimension proficient in archery. And this wanderer will remain nameless throughout the story. But even so, she will have an influence to the prophecied girls' choices with regards to their destiny as the savior of the Power Casters to end the war.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 4: (National Wildlife Day) Wild things in your WIP.
I'm late for Day 4 but I'm still posting this. The creatures in the Cloud Dimension are pretty much the same as that on Earth, with a few differences, of course. The notable ones were:
Tuesday, September 3, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 3: MCs' favorite book/story
Though Japanese, both Hatsue and Miho aren't that ignorant in some of the international books/novels published in their times. In particular, Hatsue has a penchant for angel/demon-themed stories. Her favorite would have been "The Mortal Instruments" series. As for Miho, her interest in History subject has influenced her choices of novels to read. Thus, her favorite would have been "The Great Library" series.
Monday, September 2, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 2: (Back to school) MCs' favorite subject
In "Dimensional Cloud Guardians", I originally wanted to write the story from multiple POVs if I were to base it on the scenarios I posted here. That is, until I decided to add two characters from another world—specifically, the mortal world where these girls reside. So to cut the story short, the story will only be told in Miho and Hatsue's POVs. Still thinking if I should do it in 1st or 3rd person POV.
Sunday, September 1, 2019
【about writing】#FantasyWIPSeptember 2019 Day 1: Goals for the month?
Drafting the plot for DCG is something I've been doing for about a year and a half already. So with this challenge, I want to actually start writing this and get done with at least half of the story just before the month ends.