Wednesday, October 14, 2020

【journal prompt】10 famous lines from books/movies I love (give explanation for each)

I guess it would do me better if I start doing this again. But hey, I want to fill this journal with more sensible ー if not, a little deeper ー topics to write about. Anything to divert my mind just a little bit about that scary (at least scarily accurate on my part) prediction about a certain person that resonated with me in a lot of ways. Maybe with this, I can do something to clear my mind a bit.

Here goes:
  1. "The greater the love, the greater the tragedy when it's over. These two elements always go together." ー Nicholas Sparks, Nights In Rodanthe ➡️ I don't know why, but as soon as this prompt came out, this quote came first in my mind. But yeah, I must say that I have to agree with this one, considering the fact that ー perhaps ー a part of me truly considered that part of my past as a love that never bear fruit and will be even more painful for me to recover from if it did bear fruit, only to end for some reason. This is the quote that, I believe, is something I come and will come to experience again once the love I've always intended to possess comes into existence.
  2. "Waiting for you is like waiting for a rain in this drought. Useless and disappointing." ー Sam Montgomery, A Cinderella Story ➡️This maybe one of the quotes in this movie that really hits me, even when the first time I've watched it. And I think the reason for that is because waiting has always been a part of my life's dictionary, regardless of the fact that I've experienced constant disappointments for doing so. I guess waiting for something and expecting from it in return, only to fail you in the end, is one of those I knew had hit close to home.
  3. "Big or small, there's a difference only you can make." ー Genevive, Barbie and the 12 Dancing Princesses➡️This is a lovely quote from one of the Barbie movies that I've watched and perhaps the only quote that I remember. It didn't make much of an impact for me before. But at some point, I guess I realized that I was like Lacey ー still a little girl trying to find what I can actually do to make a change not just for me, but also for the others.
  4. "Sometimes, fantasies are better than reality." ー Sam Montgomery, A Cinderella Story ➡️This is exactly me, thinking about my boring, monotonous, and uneventful life. I was a better, more amazing person in that fantasy world ー a world that I know only a fraction will come true, unless I do something to make everything real for me. Too much to ask? Maybe. But hey, I've always longed for my life to change drastically, but in a good way.
  5. "I know what it feels like to be afraid to show who you are. I was, but I'm not anymore. And the thing is, I really don't care what people think about me... because I believe in myself, and I know that things are gonna be okay." ー Sam Montgomery, A Cinderella Story➡️Maybe this is something that I need to fully embrace and believe into in order for me to bounce back to the me who would do everything to fulfill her dreams. The only thing I'm lacking is belief ー faith in myself and my abilities, awakened or still trying to come out.
  6. "Words are like swords. If you use them the wrong way, they can turn into ugly weapons. There are cases of broken friendships that could've lasted a lifetime if not for verbal abuse. Once you sever your ties, you might not see each other ever again." ー Edogawa Conan, Detective Conan Movie 15: Quarter Of Silence ➡️Okay. This might be the quote from one of my favorite anime movies that really etched itself in my mind. And possibly the one Detective Conan quote that I want to stay with me for a long time.
  7. "You are my heart, my life, my one and only thought." ー Arthur Conan Doyle, The White Company➡️I haven't read this yet, to be honest. But perhaps because of this quote, it makes me want to know why this line appeared as one of the most romantic quotes from various classics. And maybe one day, I'd say these words to the one I'd come to love as ardent as this line.
  8. "Love starts as a feeling, but to continue is a choice. And I find myself choosing you, more and more every day." ー Justin Welch, Bending The Universe➡️I just fell in love with this line that I find myself intending to write a love letter with those quote as a prompt. It'll be beautiful, right?
  9. "People think a soulmate is your perfect fit, and that's what everyone wants. But a true soulmate is a mirror, the person who shows you everything that is holding you back, the person who bring you to your own attention so you can change your life." ー Elizabeth Gilbert; Eat, Pray, Love➡️...and perhaps this type of person is someone that I need to have at this time/period of my life where I felt so lost and a little empty (?). Seriously, I'm not even joking at this.
  10. "Your memory feels like home to me. So whenever my mind wanders, it always finds it way back to you." ー Ranata Suzuki, The Longest Night➡️...and I guess this is one reason why I can't still move on from "him" and actually do my best to truly forget him. The feeling that I had for him could still be there, even without me fully realizing it. I know that it's a bad thing. Or at least I consider it a bad thing.
🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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