Thursday, June 22, 2023

【personal thoughts】Where To Start

Hi, guys! I'm Florence and welcome back to my page.

(Still in the feeling of imagining what it's actually like to greet people in front of the camera, even when I'm camera-shy IRL.)

This is a strange introduction for a blog post, I know. And I also know that I haven't posted in two scheduled dates, only because I have no idea what to post at the time. Things had been stressful for me during those days and I don't want to put pressure on myself when writing something for this page. So I decided not to post anything in those two days.

Honestly, I have no idea what to post here even as I'm writing this. Okay, maybe that was a bit of a lie. I have lots of things and ideas to talk about here. Things that I've been wanting to discuss with someone. Things that bothered me a lot that I wanted to bring out and maybe it would lead to something.

Am I just imagining things here? Am I just overthinking and hopelessly wishing that someone would understand them? That there would be strangers who would understand them? Can I be a 'relatable' person that people would listen to, read about, or watch to at some point?

Thursday, June 8, 2023

【personal thoughts】Journaling Gap: 2009 and 2010

Hi, guys! Welcome back to my page.

I know I didn't provide an update last Monday. But that's because I'm still trying to navigate what to write about and what to post on that day. Even when I said that I would make my Sundays #SundayStories and thoughts-related entries on #ThursdayThoughts, like this one.

Sunday Stories (originally planned to be posted on Mondays) will be a segment about the stories I wrote, currently writing, and will write sometime soon or in the future. So yes, I'd also be posting stories here that I never posted in any writing platforms I signed up to.

I'm still in the middle of debating if I want to actually keep up with doing that.


Thursday, June 1, 2023

【personal thoughts】What is this "journaling gap"?

What happened within the decade of my journaling gap?

Yes, it's a weird intro. I couldn't think of a simpler one at the moment. Or maybe I should call this entry "My Journaling Gap" instead to make it more ambiguous. And possibly even make it sound... mysterious? Okay, that's a weird way to put it.

For those who are new to this page, welcome. Hi, my name is Florence Joyce. That's my full given name, in case you're curious. Or maybe not. You may probably find it strange that I wrote my entry this way as if I'm talking to a bunch of strangers outside. Or it could even look like as if I was talking in front of a camera. You know, like in a vlog. Though I like the idea a lot, I was never the person who liked doing either of them. An INFP-T here, by the way. The letter "I" gives you the idea of what is my personality already.