Saturday, July 15, 2017

【personal thoughts】Explanation For Not Posting

Yes, I know. Today is a Saturday so I should be writing a Saturday Night Thoughts post. But then, I said to myself: “If I have posts here during Saturdays, I think I should also write journal posts on other days, as well.” Why not, right? Just to make things fair.

I know I haven’t posted anything here for, like, a week or so after that last post. I’m not going to give a crappy reason that things had gotten a little hectic, even though it’s the truth. I was preoccupied with so many thoughts lately that I ended up not doing the usual things. And because I got so caught up in those thoughts, I even decided to do some things that I don’t know if I should consider absurd or just… something I really want to do—I just didn’t know it.

Besides writing down this explanation, I can’t think of anymore sensible things to write here tonight. My throat hurts and I think I’m going down with a cold. God! This is what I hate about rainy days. And because of that, I haven’t written anything related to my stories and pending manuscripts. I’m so behind schedule and it’s irritating. So I got busy doing other things:

  • I created a second IG account which would feature my current fangirling moments (if I could really call that a real fangirling) which never happened before. Anyway, if you want to visit it, here’s my IG username: @dreamcoloredgift0830
  • Editing pictures using Snapseed. But honestly, I still prefer using Adobe Photoshop.
  • Listening to songs all day. *shrugs*

I should’ve added reading the ARC for “Bucket List of Love” by C.P. Santi, but I didn’t read any book today, sadly. So I didn’t place it. Tomorrow would be the 2nd entry, but as a Sunday Currently post. Okay?

NP: “Panunumpa (The Promise/The Oath)” by Carol Banawa (a Filipino wedding song)

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