Tuesday, August 18, 2020

【journal prompt】What beliefs are holding you back from living your dream life?

I don't know what to say with regards to this prompt. But I guess that it's just right to answer this since I do need it to fully assess myself about this particular area in my life. This might be a bit too much in my perception, though.

Anyway, here goes:
  • I don't have what it takes to do it. → This is the main one, if I say so myself.
  • That dream is too great for you to even handle. → This just came recently, to be honest, when everything started to go downhill.
  • Stepping out of your comfort zone won't do you any good. → And I guess this is why I'm trying my best right now to do something I've never done before, in spite of the pressure.
  • You don't have the courage to take the risk. → Or maybe I just haven't found that real courage I need the most to risk a lot for my dreams.
  • Why are you even born here in this world? → I guess this belief actually goes hand in hand with me feeling such a useless person. I'm not going to lie, I did have suicidal thoughts echoing in my mind a lot of times, especially when I was in college after failing my NCII test for Computer Troubleshooting. More like this followed after that. But as they've always been, they were all passing thoughts. I haven't actually attempted to do any of those suicidal thoughts and tactics because like what I kept on saying, I still love my life. Maybe I just need the drive to actually propel my life to the right direction. Or to the true direction that I've missed all this time.
  • You're such a useless woman! → This, to me, is the most painful belief that's been rolling in my head for quite some time now, ever since being laid off from the two jobs I've ever had since graduating. Until now, it still echoes in my head, but not as prevalent as it used to be. I'll do my best to not let it affect me even further.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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