Wednesday, August 19, 2020

【journal prompt】Describe your dream holiday.

I haven't really given it much thought, to be honest. But I do envision some things when I actually find myself going on a holiday.
  • I'd love it if I can have a holiday alone.
  • It would be somewhere scenic ー both in the city/town proper visit and the rural area visit.
  • I'd be having a blast ー not too much ー on taking pictures of my vacation.
  • Everything around me, everything I see, would be putting a smile on my face that will surely last.
  • Having a slow walk ー either on the beach or somewhere with a bridge ー in which it can definitely help me absorb everything in. From emotions, to sensations that the vacation brings to me.
  • Even from my hotel room, it's amazing to see a beautiful sunrise and sunset that I can take photos of.
  • Somewhere I can definitely enjoy going to where people are friendly and the energy is amazing.
I guess the answer went quite well. They might have come out as a little vague. Or at least I thought of it that way. But I don't exactly have a specific place in mind yet as to where I actually want to spend a vacation and spend my holiday there.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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