Saturday, August 22, 2020

【journal prompt】Your current relationship. If single, describe how single life is.

Single life? Monotonous, in my case. But worry free, as well. At least on the aspect of thinking someone other than myself. Selfish and boring as it might have sounded, but I actually prefer it that way. At least for now.

Why I stated it like this? It's because I know fully well that I still have a lot of things to do and think about in order for me to grow (physically 😄 and mentally), mature and love myself without these limiting beliefs. I have all the time and attention I can give to myself to accept everything about my life. Being in a relationship at this point made me feel as if it's going to hinder that progress. So for me, single life (at least mine) is a period I can use for me to improve.

I just have this belief that if I finally find myself ー the one I can truly be proud of after all this time of searching, wishing, hoping, and yearning for a beautiful and fulfilling romance ー then the long journey will definitely be worth it. I have so much disappointments in my life that more often than not, I can't even look at myself in the mirror. I'm aiming for the day that I can say I've finally done it ー I found my true self ー and look in the mirror with pride and fulfillment and happiness beaming from my eyes.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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