Monday, August 17, 2020

【journal prompt】The best compliments you've received.

You're smart.

You're a talented writer.

You're a creative writer.

These were just, for me, the best compliments I've received since I started writing. Well, that goes back to when I was in high school and I'm still unaware of what to actually do with my life. At the point I received these compliments, I was pretty much a wallflower. No one noticed me and I guess no one wanted to be friends, let alone be close, to someone as plain as me. Anyway, I didn't even care. I was so much caught up with how to keep up with my studies that I don't even pay attention to how I should project myself to the class.

Writing was just a hobby to me at the time. Nothing more than a past time and a way for me to get out of reality for a little while. So to be complimented for the world I created through the stories I write, it was an amazing experience for me. For people to believe that I can achieve more for doing something I love, it was something unbelievable.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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