Tuesday, September 29, 2020

【journal prompt】What character traits do you need to work on?

Setting my mind onto something and actually doing it. Over the years, this is something I actually struggled with. I know what I want to do. The main problem is the determination to put that intention into action. Why can't I do things the way I'd do them back then, when I was still in high school and college? What is it with adulthood that changed my determination to that of a slowly dissipating flame? Honestly, I can't help hating myself for that. Even though I know that it's a bad idea to hate myself for something that I'm slowly losing, I just couldn't stop. I badly intend to fight for it. But each time I try, there's a part of my mind that would just put me down on my knees and slowly lose hope.

I really need to put a stop to these negativity, before it could truly destroy me. I intend to seek the determination that would truly propel me to fight and reach for my true dreams.

🌺 Florence Joyce 🌺

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