Thursday, September 24, 2020

【journal prompt】Last time you wanted to say something but didn't, why?

The only reason I could think of as to why I didn't say anything was because I was anxious of the possible results. It was as if my mind had already conjured the results long before they even happened. And most of the time, I saw negative results floating in my mind. A lot of negative words would echo in my mind, as well, no matter what I do to prevent them from completely invading it. And I guess you could add the fact that I was afraid of, basically, everything about that person. No matter how nice or how down-toned I say the words, that person wouldn't let it go. Or at least, won't let the faults from the past go.

I know, at this point, my explanation doesn't make any sense. But to simply put, I still couldn't get over or get pass through whatever fear was lingering in me. And it has been the main reason why I regret not saying the things that I needed to say, words that could've made someone stay in my life.

🌺 Florence Joyce 🌺

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