Saturday, September 19, 2020

【journal prompt】Last time you were put in the center of spotlight, what happened then?

I was nervous as heck. I'm pretty sure that was what happened. But I guess I'm quite good at not showing it. I tried to be composed and calm about it. But if I'm going to be honest, it was nerve wrecking inside that I wasn't even sure if I was doing the right thing or not. Facing a lot of people on stage or just in front of them would always make me feel nauseous. It is indeed scary. But each time, I'm doing my best to fight it down so it won't distract me or make me stop doing what I was supposed to do.

After all that, I would recount the feelings while I'm alone. Make me retrace the things I did and those that I shouldn't have done. It's not all the time that one should remain in the audience, hidden by the darkness, acting like a shadow. At some point, I did realize that being put in the center of the spotlight would let you experience new things. Good or bad, what matters is that you learned something from it. At least, I did learn something from all those times I stood in front of so many people and do something. It was a crazy feeling, but I did realize that out of all the stages and audiences I stood up on and faced, respectively, one thing I have to do is to be the brave person I've always aimed to be.

The last time I was put in the center of the spotlight, a different, braver me appeared. And I'd love it if I can be that person once again ー for a long time.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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