Saturday, September 26, 2020

【journal prompt】Do you have any trauma that you never heal from?

This is s a little hard to think about for me. I do recall getting spanked (or beaten should be the right word) by my paternal grandmother when I was a kid. But I got over it. I think the one I'd consider the trauma that I couldn't get myself out of would be my parents' separation and getting rejected by the guy I liked, complete with him tearing the love letter I wrote for him.

Both events had put me recently (or should I say, for a long time) in a place in which I couldn't even put myself out there to find the person I'm meant to be with and love in the long run. In me, there was a voice nagging that I'm not enough to even be with anyone at all. That I'm not meant for someone to love unconditionally and wholeheartedly.

It was around 2015 when my parents finally called it quits because it was hopeless for any of them to settle their differences. Not only that, it really hurts me so much for my father to not even support me in my writing endeavors. It scared me to an extent that I would meet a guy who wouldn't dare support my dreams and my journey to find the better version of myself ー the one I should've done a long time ago.

🌸Florence Joyce🌸

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